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# LCC Bot Docker Setup
Setting up good ol' Jimmy in a docker container isn't as straight forward as build & run.
In order to get the bot to work, you need to do a few things:
1. Create a .env in the root directory of the project
2. Look at [](/ and copy the values you want into the .env file.
3. Build the docker image with `docker build -t lcc-bot:latest .`
4. Run the docker image with `docker run -d --name lcc-bot lcc-bot:latest`
## Configuration
Unlike the non-docker setup, you need to configure the bot using environment variables.
The environment variables are the same as the ones in [](/, however more limited.
All values are expected to be strings and are parsed appropriately.
Take a look at [](/ to see how values are parsed, and what the defaults are,
as this is the file that is copied over.
## Where does the database go?
If Jimmy detects a `/data` directory, it will use that as the database location. This means you can do a bind mount to the host filesystem when
running `docker run`, using the argument `-v /path/to/host/dir:/data`.
## Exposing the API
Jimmy by default runs a tiny API on port 3762. In order to make this accessible, you will need to pass `-p <host_port>:3762` to `docker run`.
## Example run command
$ docker build -t lcc-bot:latest .
$ docker run -d --name lcc-bot -v /path/to/host/dir:/data -p 3762:3762 --env-file .env lcc-bot:latest