# Sentient Jimmy Another Ollama bot for discord, however designed for mesh self-hosting. ## Example config.toml ```toml [bot] token = "your-bot-token" debug_guilds = [0123456789] # omit for global commands db_url = "sqlite://:memory:" # ^ The database URL. Overridden by $DATABASE_URL. # The default in a docker environment is IN MEMORY, i.e. `sqlite://:memory:`. # The default in a non-docker environment is sqlite://default.db, aka sqlite @ ./default.db # If $DATABASE_URL is set, it will override this setting. # You can use SQLite, or PostgreSQL. # You can choose to build jimmy with mysql/mssql&oracle support by changing extra `asyncpg` to `asyncmy`/`asyncodbc` # in the tortoise-orm requirement in requrements.txt [ollama] order = ["server1", "server2", "fallback"] # ^ order of preference for Ollama servers. If server1 is offline, server2 will be tried, and so on [ollama.server1] base_url = "https://hosted.ollama.internal" # default port is 443, because HTTPS gpu = true vram_gb = 8 default_model="llama3:latest" # sets the default model for /ollama chat [ollama.server2] base_url = "" gpu = true vram_gb = 4 # <8GB will enable "low VRAM mode" in ollama default_model = "llama2:latest" [ollama.fallback] base_url = "" gpu = false vram_gb = 32 # in the case of CPU Ollama, "vram" is actually just regular RAM. default_model = "orca-mini:3b" ``` ## Running See [the example docker-compose.yml](/docker-compose.yml) for an example of how to run this bot with docker-compose. Alternatively, you can just run the docker image: `git.i-am.nexus/nex/sentient-jimmy:master`.