# How much does the sims 4 cost? (lol) Get the price of the sims 4, including all DLCs, live! **NOTICE**: The hosted instance of this server, previously at , was moved to as the `.lol` renewal price was... a lot. So the domain expired. ## Getting a different steam game's price If you include the steam game ID in the fragment (`site.example/#game_id`), you can fetch the price of any game and all of its DLCs. For example: . **New!** (2024-09-02) You can now also include the game ID in the search parameters. For example: . There is also now a form included at the bottom of the page, above the footer, that allows you to put an ID in. You can *also* now just pass a steam store URL into the site. Technological advancements! ## Running your own Running your own instance is rather easy. The entire site is static, apart from one API endpoint that is needed as a transformer proxy. All you need to do is run `server.py`, and the app will be available at (it actually listens to `` by default). Then, you can serve this with your favourite reverse proxy. As the included static files server is rather basic, you may have better performance if you serve the `static/` directory directly from your reverse proxy.
My Caddyfile for the website ``` howmuchdoesthesims4cost.nexy7574.co.uk { root * /var/www/howmuchdoesthesims4cost.lol/static reverse_proxy /api/* localhost:1037 file_server } ```