import time import os import sys import logging import random from configparser import ConfigParser from pathlib import Path from misskey import Misskey from misskey.exceptions import MisskeyAPIException BASE = Path.cwd() if (BASE / "data").exists(): BASE = BASE / "data" print("Data/ directory found. Using it as base.") logging.basicConfig( filename=BASE / "bot.log", filemode="a", level=getattr(logging, os.getenv("LOGLEVEL", "INFO")), format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", ) logger = logging.getLogger("fedibot") config = ConfigParser() / "config.ini")) server_domain = list(config.keys())[1] api_key = config[server_domain]["api_key"] sleep_time = int(config[server_domain].get("sleep_time", 60)) limit = int(config[server_domain].get("limit", 100)) bot = Misskey(server_domain, api_key) def main(): print("Bot running.") while True: with open(BASE / "copy.txt") as _fd: copy = try: with open(BASE / ".lastfetch", "r") as fd: lastfetch = logger.debug(f"Last fetch: {lastfetch}") except FileNotFoundError: lastfetch = os.getenv("EPOCH_ID") logger.warning(f"No epoch for last fetch found. Using $EPOCH_ID: {lastfetch}") for i in range(5): try: notifications = bot.i_notifications( limit=100, mark_as_read=True, include_types=["reply", "mention"], since_id=lastfetch, ) except MisskeyAPIException as e: logger.error("Failed to fetch notifications: %r", e, exc_info=True) retry = random.uniform(0, 2**i) logger.warning("Retrying in %.2f seconds...", retry) time.sleep(retry) else: break else: logger.critical("Failed to fetch notifications after 5 retries. Exiting...") sys.exit(1) logger.debug("Fetched another batch of notifications: %r", notifications) for notification in notifications: if notification["note"]["user"].get("isBot", False) is True: logger.debug("Ignoring bot: %r", notification["note"]["user"]["id"]) # Ignore bots continue"Replying to post %r", notification["note"]["id"]) try: bot.notes_create( text=copy.format(notification, bot), reply_id=notification["note"]["id"], visibility="specified", visible_user_ids=[notification["user"]["id"]], )"Successfully replied to post %r", notification["note"]["id"]) try: "Reacting with the inbox emoji to post %r", notification["note"]["id"], ) bot.notes_reactions_create(note_id=notification["note"]["id"], reaction="📥") "Successfully reacted with the inbox emoji to post %r", notification["note"]["id"], ) except MisskeyAPIException: logger.error( "Failed to react with the inbox emoji to post %r", notification["note"]["id"], exc_info=True, ) # Save that we replied to this post with open(BASE / ".lastfetch", "w") as fd: fd.write(notification["id"]) except MisskeyAPIException as e: logger.error( "Failed to reply to post %r: %r", notification["note"]["id"], e, exc_info=True, ) try: time.sleep(sleep_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: break if __name__ == "__main__": main()