# Drop In URL previews server *aka DIP / Drop in previews* A simple python server that handles /_matrix/media/*/preview_url requests, for servers like Dendrite. You may also want to replace your homeserver's URL preview generator with this one (in case this offers more features). ## Features DIP is complete with the following features: * **Full** [`OG/OpenGraph`](https://ogp.me/) tag support * Partial [`Twitter`](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/markup) card support * Supports rendering previews for image files * Proxying requests through a HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy * Custom user agent for requests * Caching previews to prevent repeated lookups * Built-in media duplication prevention ## Installation Just use docker. Or you can run it yourself, but that's your choice. ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt PREVIEW_HOMESERVER=https://example.com python3 server.py ``` ### With a reverse proxy You should use a reverse proxy to handle routing the request to this server. An example with caddy (ripped from my config file for matrix.nexy7574.co.uk)is below: ```caddy matrix.example.com { # Add cache control, CSP, and CORP: header /_matrix/media/*/thumbnail/*/* Cache-Control 'max-age=172800,stale-while-revalidate=86400' header /_matrix/media/*/download/*/* Cache-Control 'max-age=172800,stale-while-revalidate=86400' header /_matrix/media/* Content-Security-Policy "sandbox; default-src 'none'; script-src 'none'; plugin-types application/pdf; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'self';" header /_matrix/media/* Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy 'cross-origin' # Send all requests for URL previews to the DIP server rewrite /_matrix/media/*/preview_url /preview_url reverse_proxy /preview_url localhost:2226 # Send all other requests to the homeserver reverse_proxy localhost:8008 } ``` You can most likely figure out how to do this with your chosen reverse proxy server if you aren't using Caddy. ### Example docker-compose.yml ```yaml version: "3" services: url_previews: environment: - "PREVIEW_HOMESERVER=https://matrix.nexy7574.co.uk" - "FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS=*" ports: - "2226:2226/tcp" restart: "unless-stopped" container_name: "dendrite-url-previews" volumes: - url_previews:/app/data/ image: git.i-am.nexus/nex/drop-in-url-previews:master volumes: url_previews: ``` ## Configuration | Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default | |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| | `PREVIEW_HOMESERVER` | The homeserver to use for the previews. | `https://matrix.nexy7574.co.uk` | The host name of the request URL. | | `PREVIEW_HOST` | The host IP/Name to listen to. | `` | `` | | `PREVIEW_PORT` | The port to listen to. | `8080` | `2226` | | `PREVIEW_PROXY` | A HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy to use for all network requests. | `http://localhost:1080` | null | | `PREVIEW_USER_AGENT` | The user agent to use for all network requests. Must be one of `google`, `bing`, `duckduckgo`, `firefox`, `chrome`, `twitter`, `facebook`, `honest` (uses a unique user agent) | `firefox` | `google` | | `PREVIEW_MAX_MEDIA_MB` | The maximum size of media to proxy in megabytes. Media larger than this downloaded from sites will not be re-uploaded to the homeserver's media repo, and as such cannot be used in the preview response. | `10` | `50` | | `PREVIEW_DATABASE_URL` | The sqlite://, postgres://, or mysql:// URL to use for the database. | `postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dip` | `sqlite:///app/data/db.sqltie3` | | `FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS` | The list of reverse proxy IPs to trust. See [Uvicorn docs](https://www.uvicorn.org/settings/#http) | * | `` | | `LOG_LEVEL` | The log level to use. One of `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `CRITICAL`. | `INFO` | `INFO` | | `LOG_DEBUG_TIDY` | When `LOG_LEVEL` is `DEBUG`, silences some really noisy loggers (like HTTP request loggers) to help you debug this program, not a dependency). | `true` | `false` | ## How does it work? Given that this server is meant to be a drop-in solution, there's a few differences to how you would expect something this deeply integrated with a homeserver to work. Here is a basic flow for how a preview request goes: 1. The user's client sends a request for a preview 2. The server will take the provided access token, and checks that it is valid with the homeserver. 3. If the token is invalid, M_INVALID_TOKEN is returned. 4. The server then checks if it has a cached entry