import asyncio import base64 import io import json import logging import os import textwrap import time import typing from fnmatch import fnmatch import aiohttp import discord import redis from discord import Interaction from discord.ext import commands from discord.ui import View, button from yarl import URL from conf import CONFIG async def ollama_stream(iterator: aiohttp.StreamReader) -> typing.AsyncIterator[dict]: async for line in iterator: line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace").strip() try: line = json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError: continue yield line def get_time_spent(nanoseconds: int) -> str: hours, minutes, seconds = 0, 0, 0 seconds = nanoseconds / 1e9 if seconds >= 60: minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) if minutes >= 60: hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) result = [] if seconds: if seconds != 1: label = "seconds" else: label = "second" result.append(f"{round(seconds)} {label}") if minutes: if minutes != 1: label = "minutes" else: label = "minute" result.append(f"{round(minutes)} {label}") if hours: if hours != 1: label = "hours" else: label = "hour" result.append(f"{round(hours)} {label}") return ", ".join(reversed(result)) class OllamaDownloadHandler: def __init__(self, base_url: str, model: str): self.base_url = base_url self.model = model self._abort = asyncio.Event() self._total = 1 self._completed = 0 self.status = "starting" self.total_duration_s = 0 self.load_duration_s = 0 self.prompt_eval_duration_s = 0 self.eval_duration_s = 0 self.eval_count = 0 self.prompt_eval_count = 0 self.log = logging.getLogger("") def abort(self): self._abort.set() def __enter__(self): self._abort.clear() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._abort.set() @property def percent(self) -> float: return round((self._completed / self._total) * 100, 2) def parse_line(self, line: dict): if line.get("total"): self._total = line["total"] if line.get("completed"): self._completed = line["completed"] if line.get("status"): self.status = line["status"] async def __aiter__(self): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(base_url=self.base_url) as client: async with"/api/pull", json={"name": self.model, "stream": True}, timeout=None) as response: response.raise_for_status() async for line in ollama_stream(response.content): self.parse_line(line) if self._abort.is_set(): break yield line async def flatten(self) -> "OllamaDownloadHandler": """Returns the current instance, but fully consumed.""" async for _ in self: "Downloading orca-mini:7b on server %r - %s (%.2f%%)", self.base_url, self.status, self.percent ) return self class OllamaChatHandler: def __init__(self, base_url: str, model: str, messages: list): self.base_url = base_url self.model = model self.messages = messages self._abort = asyncio.Event() self.buffer = io.StringIO() self.total_duration_s = 0 self.load_duration_s = 0 self.prompt_eval_duration_s = 0 self.eval_duration_s = 0 self.eval_count = 0 self.prompt_eval_count = 0 def abort(self): self._abort.set() @property def result(self) -> str: """The current response. Can be called multiple times.""" return self.buffer.getvalue() def parse_line(self, line: dict): if line.get("total_duration"): self.total_duration_s = line["total_duration"] / 1e9 if line.get("load_duration"): self.load_duration_s = line["load_duration"] / 1e9 if line.get("prompt_eval_duration"): self.prompt_eval_duration_s = line["prompt_eval_duration"] / 1e9 if line.get("eval_duration"): self.eval_duration_s = line["eval_duration"] / 1e9 if line.get("eval_count"): self.eval_count = line["eval_count"] if line.get("prompt_eval_count"): self.prompt_eval_count = line["prompt_eval_count"] def __enter__(self): self._abort.clear() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._abort.set() async def __aiter__(self): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(base_url=self.base_url) as client: async with "/api/chat", json={"model": self.model, "stream": True, "messages": self.messages} ) as response: response.raise_for_status() async for line in ollama_stream(response.content): if self._abort.is_set(): break if line.get("message"): self.buffer.write(line["message"]["content"]) yield line if line.get("done"): break class OllamaClient: def __init__(self, base_url: str, authorisation: tuple[str, str] = None): self.base_url = base_url self.authorisation = authorisation def with_client(self, timeout: aiohttp.ClientTimeout | float | int | None = None) -> aiohttp.ClientSession: """ Creates an instance for a request, with properly populated values. :param timeout: :return: """ if isinstance(timeout, (float, int)): if timeout == -1: timeout = 10800 timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(timeout) else: timeout = timeout or aiohttp.ClientTimeout(120) return aiohttp.ClientSession(self.base_url, timeout=timeout, auth=self.authorisation) async def get_tags(self) -> dict[typing.Literal["models"], dict[str, str, int, dict[str, str, None]]]: """ Gets the tags for the server. :return: """ async with self.with_client() as client: async with client.get("/api/tags") as resp: return await resp.json() async def has_model_named(self, name: str, tag: str = None) -> bool: """Checks that the given server has the model downloaded, optionally with a tag. :param name: The name of the model (e.g. orca-mini, orca-mini:latest) :param tag: a specific tag to check for (e.g. latest, chat) :return: A boolean indicating an existing download.""" if tag is not None: name += ":" + tag async with self.with_client() as client: async with"/api/show", json={"name": name}) as resp: return resp.status == 200 def download_model(self, name: str, tag: str = "latest") -> OllamaDownloadHandler: """Starts the download for a model. :param name: The name of the model. :param tag: The tag of the model. Defaults to latest. :return: An OllamaDownloadHandler instance. """ handler = OllamaDownloadHandler(self.base_url, name + ":" + tag) return handler def new_chat( self, model: str, messages: list[dict[str, str]], ) -> OllamaChatHandler: """ Starts a chat with the given messages. :param model: :param messages: :return: """ handler = OllamaChatHandler(self.base_url, model, messages) return handler class OllamaView(View): def __init__(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): super().__init__(timeout=3600, disable_on_timeout=True) self.ctx = ctx self.cancel = asyncio.Event() async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool: return interaction.user == self.ctx.user @button(label="Stop", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger, emoji="\N{wastebasket}\U0000fe0f") async def _stop(self, btn: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.cancel.set() btn.disabled = True await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self) self.stop() class ChatHistory: def __init__(self): self._internal = {} self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.cogs.ollama.history") self.redis = redis.Redis(**CONFIG["redis"]) def load_thread(self, thread_id: str): value: str = self.redis.get("threads:" + thread_id) if value: self.log.debug("Loaded thread %r: %r", thread_id, value) loaded = json.loads(value) self._internal.update(loaded) return self.get_thread(thread_id) def save_thread(self, thread_id: str):"Saving thread:%s - %r", thread_id, self._internal[thread_id]) self.redis.set("threads:" + thread_id, json.dumps(self._internal[thread_id])) def create_thread(self, member: discord.Member, default: str | None = None) -> str: """ Creates a thread, returns its ID. :param member: The member who created the thread. :param default: The system prompt to use. :return: The thread's ID. """ key = os.urandom(3).hex() self._internal[key] = {"member":, "seed": round(time.time()), "messages": []} with open("./assets/ollama-prompt.txt") as file: system_prompt = default or self.add_message(key, "system", system_prompt) return key @staticmethod def _construct_message(role: str, content: str, images: typing.Optional[list[str]]) -> dict[str, str]: x = {"role": role, "content": content} if images: x["images"] = images return x @staticmethod def autocomplete(ctx: discord.AutocompleteContext): # noinspection PyTypeChecker cog: Ollama ="Ollama") instance = cog.history return list( filter( lambda v: (ctx.value or v) in v, map(lambda d: list(d.keys()), instance.threads_for(ctx.interaction.user)), ) ) def all_threads(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, list[dict[str, str]] | int]]: """Returns all saved threads.""" return self._internal.copy() def threads_for(self, user: discord.Member) -> dict[str, dict[str, list[dict[str, str]] | int]]: """Returns all saved threads for a specific user""" t = self.all_threads() for k, v in t.copy().items(): if v["member"] != t.pop(k) return t def add_message( self, thread: str, role: typing.Literal["user", "assistant", "system"], content: str, images: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Appends a message to the given thread. :param thread: The thread's ID. :param role: The author of the message. :param content: The message's actual content. :param images: Any images that were attached to the message, in base64. :return: None """ new = self._construct_message(role, content, images) self.log.debug("Adding message to thread %r: %r", thread, new) self._internal[thread]["messages"].append(new) def get_history(self, thread: str) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """ Gets the history of a thread. """ if self._internal.get(thread) is None: return [] return self._internal[thread]["messages"].copy() # copy() makes it immutable. def get_thread(self, thread: str) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, str]] | discord.Member | int]: """Gets a copy of an entire thread""" return self._internal.get(thread, {}).copy() def find_thread(self, thread_id: str): """Attempts to find a thread.""" self.log.debug("Checking cache for %r...", thread_id) if c := self.get_thread(thread_id): return c self.log.debug("Checking db for %r...", thread_id) if d := self.load_thread(thread_id): return d self.log.warning("No thread with ID %r found.", thread_id) SERVER_KEYS = list(CONFIG["ollama"].keys()) SERVER_KEYS_AUTOCOMPLETE = SERVER_KEYS.copy() SERVER_KEYS_AUTOCOMPLETE.remove("order") class OllamaGetPrompt(discord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, prompt_type: str = "User"): super().__init__( discord.ui.InputText( style=discord.InputTextStyle.long, label="%s prompt" % prompt_type, placeholder="Enter your prompt here.", ), timeout=300, title="Ollama %s prompt" % prompt_type, ) self.ctx = ctx self.prompt_type = prompt_type self.value = None async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool: return interaction.user == self.ctx.user async def callback(self, interaction: Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() self.value = self.children[0].value self.stop() class PromptSelector(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): super().__init__(timeout=600, disable_on_timeout=True) self.ctx = ctx self.system_prompt = None self.user_prompt = None async def interaction_check(self, interaction: Interaction) -> bool: return interaction.user == self.ctx.user def update_ui(self): if self.system_prompt is not None: self.get_item("sys").style = discord.ButtonStyle.secondary # type: ignore if self.user_prompt is not None: self.get_item("usr").style = discord.ButtonStyle.secondary # type: ignore @discord.ui.button(label="Set System Prompt", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, custom_id="sys") async def set_system_prompt(self, btn: discord.ui.Button, interaction: Interaction): modal = OllamaGetPrompt(self.ctx, "System") await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) await modal.wait() self.system_prompt = modal.value self.update_ui() await interaction.edit_original_response(view=self) @discord.ui.button(label="Set User Prompt", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, custom_id="usr") async def set_user_prompt(self, btn: discord.ui.Button, interaction: Interaction): modal = OllamaGetPrompt(self.ctx) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) await modal.wait() self.user_prompt = modal.value self.update_ui() await interaction.edit_original_response(view=self) @discord.ui.button(label="Done", style=discord.ButtonStyle.success, custom_id="done") async def done(self, btn: discord.ui.Button, interaction: Interaction): self.stop() class Ollama(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.cogs.ollama") self.contexts = {} self.history = ChatHistory() self.servers = { server: asyncio.Lock() for server in CONFIG["ollama"] } self.servers.pop("order", None) if CONFIG["ollama"].get("order"): self.servers = {} for key in CONFIG["ollama"]["order"]: self.servers[key] = asyncio.Lock() def next_server(self, tried: typing.Iterable[str] = None) -> str: """ Returns the next server key. :param tried: A list of keys already tried :returns: The key for the server :raises: RuntimeError - If no servers are available. """ tried = tried or set() for server_name, locked in self.servers.items(): if locked.locked() is False and server_name not in tried: return server_name raise RuntimeError("No servers available.") async def check_server(self, url: str) -> bool: """Checks that a server is online and responding.""" if url in SERVER_KEYS: url = CONFIG["ollama"][url]["base_url"] async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(10)) as session:"Checking if %r is online.", url) try: async with session.get(url + "/api/tags") as resp:"%r is online.", return resp.ok except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError): self.log.warning("%r is offline.", url, exc_info=True) return False @commands.slash_command() async def ollama( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, query: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The query to feed into ollama. Not the system prompt.", ), ], model: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The model to use for ollama. Defaults to 'llama2-uncensored:latest'.", default="llama2-uncensored:7b-chat", ), ], server: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option(str, "The server to use for ollama.", default="next", choices=SERVER_KEYS_AUTOCOMPLETE) ], context: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option(str, "The context key of a previous ollama response to use as context.", default=None) ], give_acid: typing.Annotated[ bool, discord.Option( bool, "Whether to give the AI acid, LSD, and other hallucinogens before responding.", default=False ), ], image: typing.Annotated[ discord.Attachment, discord.Option(discord.Attachment, "An image to feed into ollama. Only works with llava.", default=None), ], ): if server == "next": server = tuple(self.servers.keys())[0] if not SERVER_KEYS: return await ctx.respond("No servers available. Please try again later.") system_query = None if context is not None: if not self.history.get_thread(context): await ctx.respond("Invalid context key.") return try: await ctx.defer() except discord.HTTPException: pass if query == "$": v = PromptSelector(ctx) await ctx.respond("Select edit your prompts, as desired. Click done when you want to continue.", view=v) await v.wait() query = v.user_prompt or query system_query = v.system_prompt await ctx.delete(delay=0.1) model = model.casefold() try: model, tag = model.split(":", 1) model = model + ":" + tag self.log.debug("Model %r already has a tag", model) except ValueError: model += ":latest" self.log.debug("Resolved model to %r" % model) if image: patterns = [ "llava:*", "llava-llama*:*" ] if any(fnmatch(model, p) for p in patterns) is False: await ctx.send( f"{ctx.user.mention}: You can only use images with llava. Switching model to `llava:latest`.", delete_after=5 ) model = "llava:latest" if image.size > 1024 * 1024 * 25: await ctx.respond("Attachment is too large. Maximum size is 25 MB, for sanity. Try compressing it.") return elif not fnmatch(image.content_type, "image/*"): await ctx.respond("Attachment is not an image. Try using a different file.") return else: data = io.BytesIO() await image_data = base64.b64encode( else: image_data = None if server not in CONFIG["ollama"]: await ctx.respond("Invalid server") return server_config = CONFIG["ollama"][server] for model_pattern in server_config["allowed_models"]: if fnmatch(model, model_pattern): break else: allowed_models = ", ".join(map(discord.utils.escape_markdown, server_config["allowed_models"])) await ctx.respond(f"Invalid model. You can only use one of the following models: {allowed_models}") return async with aiohttp.ClientSession( base_url=server_config["base_url"], timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(connect=30, sock_read=10800, sock_connect=30, total=10830), ) as session: embed = discord.Embed( title="Checking server...", description=f"Checking that specified model and tag ({model}) are available on the server.", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Using server %r" % server, icon_url=server_config.get("icon_url")) await ctx.respond(embed=embed) if not await self.check_server(server_config["base_url"]): tried = {server} for i in range(10): try: server = self.next_server(tried) except RuntimeError: tried.add(server) continue finally: tried.add(server) embed = discord.Embed( title="Server was offline. Trying next server.", description=f"Trying server {server}...",, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Using server %r" % server, icon_url=server_config.get("icon_url")) await ctx.edit(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(1) if await self.check_server(CONFIG["ollama"][server]["base_url"]): server_config = CONFIG["ollama"][server] setattr(session, "_base_url", URL(server_config["base_url"])) break else: embed = discord.Embed( title="All servers are offline.", description="Please try again later.",, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) try: self.log.debug("Connecting to %r", server_config["base_url"]) async with"/api/show", json={"name": model}) as resp: self.log.debug("%r responded.", server_config["base_url"]) if resp.status not in [404, 200]: embed = discord.Embed( url=resp.url, title=f"HTTP {resp.status} {resp.reason!r} while checking for model.", description=f"```{await resp.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError as e: embed = discord.Embed( title="Connection error while checking for model.", description=f"```{e}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) if resp.status == 404: self.log.debug("Beginning download of %r", model) def progress_bar(_v: float, action: str = None, _mbps: float = None): bar = "\N{large green square}" * round(_v / 10) bar += "\N{white large square}" * (10 - len(bar)) bar += f" {_v:.2f}%" if _mbps: bar += f" ({_mbps:.2f} MiB/s)" if action: return f"{action} {bar}" return bar embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Downloading {model!r}", description=f"Downloading {model!r} from {server_config['base_url']}", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.add_field(name="Progress", value=progress_bar(0)) await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() async with"/api/pull", json={"name": model, "stream": True}, timeout=None) as response: if response.status != 200: embed = discord.Embed( url=response.url, title=f"HTTP {response.status} {response.reason!r} while downloading model.", description=f"```{await response.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) view = OllamaView(ctx) last_downloaded = 0 async for line in ollama_stream(response.content): if view.cancel.is_set(): embed = discord.Embed( title="Download cancelled.",, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) return await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=None) if time.time() >= (last_update + 5.1): if line.get("total") is not None and line.get("completed") is not None: new_bytes = line["completed"] - last_downloaded mbps = new_bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 5 last_downloaded = line["completed"] percent = (line["completed"] / line["total"]) * 100 else: percent = 50.0 mbps = 0.0 embed.fields[0].value = progress_bar(percent, line["status"], mbps) await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=view) last_update = time.time() else: self.log.debug("Model %r already exists on server.", model) key = os.urandom(6).hex() embed = discord.Embed( title="Generating response...", description=">>> ", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_author( name=model, url="" + model.split(":")[0], icon_url="", ) embed.add_field( name="Prompt", value=">>> " + textwrap.shorten(query, width=1020, placeholder="..."), inline=False ) embed.set_footer(text="Using server %r" % server, icon_url=server_config.get("icon_url")) if image_data: if (image.height / image.width) >= 1.5: embed.set_image(url=image.url) else: embed.set_thumbnail(url=image.url) view = OllamaView(ctx) try: await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=view) except discord.NotFound: await ctx.respond(embed=embed, view=view) self.log.debug("Beginning to generate response with key %r.", key) if context is None: context = self.history.create_thread(ctx.user, system_query) elif context is not None and self.history.get_thread(context) is None: __thread = self.history.find_thread(context) if not __thread: return await ctx.respond("Invalid thread ID.") else: context = list(__thread.keys())[0] messages = self.history.get_history(context) user_message = {"role": "user", "content": query} if image_data: user_message["images"] = [image_data] messages.append(user_message) params = {"seed": self.history.get_thread(context)["seed"]} if give_acid is True: params["temperature"] = 2 params["top_k"] = 0 params["top_p"] = 2 params["repeat_penalty"] = 2 payload = {"model": model, "stream": True, "options": params, "messages": messages} async with "/api/chat", json=payload, ) as response: if response.status != 200: embed = discord.Embed( url=response.url, title=f"HTTP {response.status} {response.reason!r} while generating response.", description=f"```{await response.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() buffer = io.StringIO() if not view.cancel.is_set(): async for line in ollama_stream(response.content): buffer.write(line["message"]["content"]) embed.description += line["message"]["content"] embed.timestamp = discord.utils.utcnow() if len(embed.description) >= 4000: embed.description = "[...]" + line["message"]["content"] if len(embed.description) >= 3250: embed.colour = embed.set_footer(text="Warning: {:,}/4096 characters.".format(len(embed.description))) else: embed.colour = discord.Color.blurple() embed.set_footer(text="Using server %r" % server, icon_url=server_config.get("icon_url")) if view.cancel.is_set(): break if time.time() >= (last_update + 5.1): await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=view) self.log.debug(f"Updating message ({last_update} -> {time.time()})") last_update = time.time() view.stop() self.history.add_message(context, "user", user_message["content"], user_message.get("images")) self.history.add_message(context, "assistant", buffer.getvalue()) self.history.save_thread(context) embed.add_field(name="Context Key", value=context, inline=True) self.log.debug("Ollama finished consuming.") embed.title = "Done!" embed.colour = value = buffer.getvalue() if len(value) >= 4096: embeds = [discord.Embed(title="Done!",] current_page = "" for word in value.split(): if len(current_page) + len(word) >= 4096: embeds.append(discord.Embed(description=current_page)) current_page = "" current_page += word + " " else: embeds.append(discord.Embed(description=current_page)) await ctx.edit(embeds=embeds, view=None) else: await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=None) if line.get("done"): total_duration = get_time_spent(line["total_duration"]) load_duration = get_time_spent(line["load_duration"]) prompt_eval_duration = get_time_spent(line["prompt_eval_duration"]) eval_duration = get_time_spent(line["eval_duration"]) embed = discord.Embed( title="Timings", description=f"Total: {total_duration}\nLoad: {load_duration}\n" f"Prompt Eval: {prompt_eval_duration}\nEval: {eval_duration}", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) return await ctx.respond(embed=embed, ephemeral=True) @commands.slash_command(name="ollama-history") async def ollama_history( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, thread_id: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( name="thread_id", description="Thread/Context ID", type=str, autocomplete=ChatHistory.autocomplete, ), ], ): """Shows the history for a thread.""" if not SERVER_KEYS: return await ctx.respond("No servers available. Please try again later.") paginator = commands.Paginator("", "", 4000, "\n\n") thread = self.history.load_thread(thread_id) if not thread: return await ctx.respond("No thread with that ID exists.") history = self.history.get_history(thread_id) if not history: return await ctx.respond("No history or invalid context key.") for message in history: if message["role"] == "system": continue max_length = 4000 - len("> **%s**: " % message["role"]) paginator.add_line("> **{}**: {}".format(message["role"], textwrap.shorten(message["content"], max_length))) embeds = [] for page in paginator.pages: embeds.append(discord.Embed(description=page)) ephemeral = len(embeds) > 1 for chunk in discord.utils.as_chunks(iter(embeds or [discord.Embed(title="No Content.")]), 10): await ctx.respond(embeds=chunk, ephemeral=ephemeral) @commands.message_command(name="Ask AI") async def ask_ai(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, message: discord.Message): if not SERVER_KEYS: return await ctx.respond("No servers available. Please try again later.") thread = self.history.create_thread( content = message.clean_content if not content: if message.embeds: content = message.embeds[0].description or message.embeds[0].title if not content: return await ctx.respond("No content to send to AI.", ephemeral=True) await ctx.defer() user_message = {"role": "user", "content": message.content} self.history.add_message(thread, "user", user_message["content"]) tried = set() for _ in range(10): server = self.next_server(tried) if await self.check_server(CONFIG["ollama"][server]["base_url"]): break tried.add(server) else: return await ctx.respond("All servers are offline. Please try again later.", ephemeral=True) client = OllamaClient(CONFIG["ollama"][server]["base_url"]) if not await client.has_model_named("orca-mini", "7b"): with client.download_model("orca-mini", "7b") as handler: async for _ in handler: "Downloading orca-mini:7b on server %r - %s (%.2f%%)", server, handler.status, handler.percent ) if self.lock.locked(): await ctx.respond("Waiting for server to be free...") async with self.lock: await ctx.delete(delay=0.1) messages = self.history.get_history(thread) embed = discord.Embed(description="*Waking Ollama up...*") self.log.debug("Acquiring lock") async with self.servers[server]: await ctx.respond(embed=embed, ephemeral=True) last_edit = time.time() msg = None with client.new_chat("orca-mini:7b", messages) as handler:"New chat connection established.") async for ln in handler: done = ln.get("done") is True embed.description = handler.result if len(embed.description) >= 4096: break if len(embed.description) >= 3250: embed.colour = embed.set_footer(text="Warning: {:,}/4096 characters.".format(len(embed.description))) else: embed.colour = discord.Color.blurple() embed.set_footer(text="Using server %r" % server, icon_url=CONFIG["ollama"][server].get("icon_url")) if msg is None: await ctx.delete(delay=0.1) msg = await message.reply(embed=embed) last_edit = time.time() else: if time.time() >= (last_edit + 5.1) or done is True: await msg.edit(embed=embed) last_edit = time.time() if done: break embed.colour = discord.Colour.dark_theme() return await msg.edit(embed=embed) @commands.command(name="ollama-status", aliases=["ollama_status", "os"]) async def ollama_status(self, ctx: commands.Context): embed = discord.Embed( title="Ollama server statuses:", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), ) if CONFIG["ollama"].get("order"): ln = [f"Server order:"] for n, key in enumerate(CONFIG["ollama"].get("order"), start=1): ln.append(f"{n}. {key!r}") embed.description = "\n".join(ln) for server, lock in self.servers.items(): embed.add_field( name=server, value="\U000026a0\U0000fe0fIn use" if lock.locked() else "\U000023f3 Checking..." ) msg = await ctx.reply(embed=embed) last_edit = time.time() tasks = {} for server in self.servers.keys(): if self.servers[server].locked(): continue tasks[server] = asyncio.create_task(self.check_server(CONFIG["ollama"][server]["base_url"])) await asyncio.gather(*tasks.values()) for server, task in tasks.items(): if not task.done: await task if e := task.exception(): self.log.error("Error while checking server %r: %r", server, e, exc_info=True) else: ok = task.result() for field in embed.fields: if == server: field.value = "\U00002705 Online" if ok else "\U0000274c Offline" break await msg.edit(embed=embed) @commands.command(hidden=True) async def trump(self, ctx: commands.Context, max_history: int = 100): async with thread_id = self.history.create_thread(, "You are the former united states president, Donald Trump, convicted of 34 felonies." " You have been posting approximately 50 times a day on your platform 'Truth Social' spreading your" " words of truth to the american people in order to make america great again. After reading through all" " of your previous truth posts, you should generate another one, ready to be posted, " "under 4000 characters." ) messages = self.history.get_history(thread_id) async for message in if == 1101439218334576742 and len(message.embeds): embed = message.embeds[0] if embed.type == "rich" and embed.colour and embed.colour.value == 0x5448EE: self.history.add_message(thread_id, "assistant", embed.description) self.history.add_message(thread_id, "user", "Generate a new truth post.") self.history.save_thread(thread_id) tried = set() for _ in range(10): server = self.next_server(tried) if await self.check_server(CONFIG["ollama"][server]["base_url"]): break tried.add(server) else: return await ctx.reply("All servers are offline. Please try again later.", delete_after=300) client = OllamaClient(CONFIG["ollama"][server]["base_url"]) async with self.servers[server]: if not await client.has_model_named("llama2-uncensored", "7b-chat"): with client.download_model("llama2-uncensored", "7b-chat") as handler: await handler.flatten() embed = discord.Embed( title="New Truth!", description="", colour=0x6559FF ) msg = await ctx.reply(embed=embed) last_edit = time.time() messages = self.history.get_history(thread_id) with client.new_chat("llama2-uncensored:7b-chat", messages) as handler: async for ln in handler: embed.description += ln["message"]["content"] if len(embed.description) >= 4000: break if (time.time() - last_edit) >= 2.5: await msg.edit(embed=embed) last_edit = time.time() embed.set_footer(text="Finished generating truth based off of {:,} messages.".format(len(messages))) await msg.edit(embed=embed) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Ollama(bot))