[jimmy] token = "token" # the bot token debug_guilds = [994710566612500550] # server IDs to create slash commands in. Set to null for all guilds. [logging] level = "DEBUG" # can be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Defaults to INFO file = "jimmy.log" # if omitted, defaults to jimmy.log. Always pretty prints to stdout. mode = "a" # can be over(w)rite or (a)ppend. Defaults to append. suppress = [ "discord.client", "discord.gateway", "discord.http", "selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection" # make sure to include this one to prevent /screenshot from putting # literal images (in base64) in your logs. ] # All the loggers specified here will have their log level set to WARNING. [ollama.internal] # name is "internal" owner = 421698654189912064 # who owns the server allowed_models = [ "*", # for all models "llama2-uncensored:latest" # for a specific tag. # Note that every model has a tag called "latest" which is the most recent version. ] base_url = "http://ollama:11434/api" # this is the default if you're running via docker compose [ollama.external] owner = 421698654189912064 allowed_models = ["*"] base_url = "http://example.com/api"