import asyncio import functools import hashlib import logging import tempfile import textwrap import subprocess import typing from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlparse import discord import aiosqlite import yt_dlp from discord.ext import commands COOKIES_TXT = Path.cwd() / "cookies.txt" class YTDLCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot) -> None: = bot self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.cogs.ytdl") self.common_formats = { "144p": "17", # mp4 (h264+aac) v "240p": "133+139", "360p": "18", "480p": "135+139", "720p": "22", "1080p": "137+140", "1440p": "248+251", # webm (vp9+opus) v "2160p": "313+251", "mp3": "ba[filesize<25M]", "m4a": "ba[ext=m4a][filesize<25M]", "opus": "ba[ext=webm][filesize<25M]", "vorbis": "ba[ext=webm][filesize<25M]", "ogg": "ba[ext=webm][filesize<25M]", } self.default_options = { "noplaylist": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "no_color": True, "noprogress": True, "logger": self.log, "format": "((bv+ba/b)[vcodec!=h265][vcodec!=av01][filesize<15M]/b[filesize<=15M]/b)", "outtmpl": f"%(title).50s.%(ext)s", "format_sort": [ "vcodec:h264", "acodec:aac", "vcodec:vp9", "acodec:opus", "acodec:vorbis", "vcodec:vp8", "ext", ], "merge_output_format": "webm/mp4/mov/m4a/oga/ogg/mp3/mka/mkv", "source_address": "", "concurrent_fragment_downloads": 4, "max_filesize": (25 * 1024 * 1024) - 256 } self.colours = { "": 0xff0000, "": 0x25F5EF, "": 0xe1306c, "": 0xFFF952 } async def _init_db(self): async with aiosqlite.connect("./data/ytdl.db") as db: await db.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS downloads ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, message_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, channel_id INTEGER NOT NULL, webpage_url TEXT NOT NULL, format_id TEXT NOT NULL, attachment_index INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) """ ) await db.commit() return async def save_link(self, message: discord.Message, webpage_url: str, format_id: str, attachment_index: int = 0): """ Saves a link to discord to prevent having to re-download it. :param message: The download message with the attachment. :param webpage_url: The "webpage_url" key of the metadata :param format_id: The "format_Id" key of the metadata :param attachment_index: The index of the attachment. Defaults to 0 :return: The created hash key """ await self._init_db() async with aiosqlite.connect("./data/ytdl.db") as db: _hash = hashlib.md5(f"{webpage_url}:{format_id}".encode()).hexdigest() self.log.debug( "Saving %r (%r:%r) with message %d>%d, index %d", _hash, webpage_url, format_id,,, attachment_index ) await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO downloads (key, message_id, channel_id, webpage_url, format_id, attachment_index) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (key) DO UPDATE SET message_id=excluded.message_id, channel_id=excluded.channel_id, attachment_index=excluded.attachment_index """, (_hash,,, webpage_url, format_id, attachment_index) ) await db.commit() return _hash async def get_saved(self, webpage_url: str, format_id: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Attempts to retrieve the attachment URL of a previously saved download. :param webpage_url: The webpage url :param format_id: The format ID :return: the URL, if found and valid. """ await self._init_db() async with aiosqlite.connect("./data/ytdl.db") as db: _hash = hashlib.md5(f"{webpage_url}:{format_id}".encode()).hexdigest() self.log.debug( "Attempting to find a saved download for '%s:%s' (%r).", webpage_url, format_id, _hash ) cursor = await db.execute( "SELECT message_id, channel_id, attachment_index FROM downloads WHERE key=?", (_hash,) ) entry = await cursor.fetchone() if not entry: self.log.debug("There was no saved download.") return message_id, channel_id, attachment_index = entry channel = if not channel: self.log.debug("Channel %r was not found.", channel_id) return try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except discord.HTTPException: self.log.debug("%r did not contain a message with ID %r", channel, message_id) await db.execute("DELETE FROM downloads WHERE key=?", (_hash,)) return try: url = message.attachments[attachment_index].url self.log.debug("Found URL %r, returning.", url) return url except IndexError: self.log.debug("Attachment index %d is out of range (%r)", attachment_index, message.attachments) return def convert_to_m4a(self, file: Path) -> Path: """ Converts a file to m4a format. :param file: The file to convert :return: The converted file """ new_file = file.with_suffix(".m4a") args = [ "-vn", "-sn", "-i", str(file), "-c:a", "aac", "-b:a", "96k", "-movflags", "faststart", "-y", str(new_file) ] process = ["ffmpeg", *args], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(process.stderr.decode()) return new_file @commands.slash_command(name="yt-dl") @commands.max_concurrency(1, wait=False) # @commands.bot_has_permissions(send_messages=True, embed_links=True, attach_files=True) async def yt_dl_command( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, url: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, description="The URL to download from.", required=True ) ], user_format: typing.Annotated[ typing.Optional[str], discord.Option( str, name="format", description="The name of the format to download. Can also specify resolutions for youtube.", required=False, default=None ) ], audio_only: typing.Annotated[ bool, discord.Option( bool, name="audio-only", description="Whether to convert result into an m4a file. Overwrites `format` if True.", required=False, default=False, ) ], snip: typing.Annotated[ typing.Optional[str], discord.Option( str, description="A start and end position to trim. e.g. 00:00:00-00:10:00.", required=False ) ] ): """Runs yt-dlp and outputs into discord.""" await ctx.defer() options = self.default_options.copy() description = "" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="jimmy-ytdl-") as temp_dir: temp_dir = Path(temp_dir) paths = { target: str(temp_dir) for target in ( "home", "temp", ) } chosen_format = self.default_options["format"] if user_format: if user_format in self.common_formats: chosen_format = self.common_formats[user_format] else: chosen_format = user_format if audio_only: # Overwrite format here to be best audio under 25 megabytes. chosen_format = "ba[filesize<20M]" # Also force sorting by the best audio bitrate first. options["format_sort"] = [ "abr", "br" ] options["postprocessors"] = [ {"key": "FFmpegExtractAudio", "preferredquality": "96", "preferredcodec": "best"} ] options["format"] = chosen_format options["paths"] = paths with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(options) as downloader: await ctx.respond( embed=discord.Embed().set_footer(text="Downloading (step 1/10)") ) try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker extracted_info = await asyncio.to_thread(downloader.extract_info, url, download=False) except yt_dlp.utils.DownloadError as e: extracted_info = { "title": "error", "thumbnail_url": None, "webpage_url": url, "format": "error", "format_id": "-1", "ext": "wav", "format_note": str(e), "resolution": "1x1", "fps": "1", "vcodec": "error", "acodec": "error", "filesize": 0 } title = "error" description = str(e) thumbnail_url = webpage_url = None likes = views = 0 else: title = extracted_info.get("title", url) title = textwrap.shorten(title, 100) thumbnail_url = extracted_info.get("thumbnail") or None webpage_url = extracted_info.get("webpage_url") or None chosen_format = extracted_info.get("format") chosen_format_id = extracted_info.get("format_id") final_extension = extracted_info.get("ext") format_note = extracted_info.get("format_note", "%s (%s)" % (chosen_format, chosen_format_id)) resolution = extracted_info.get("resolution") fps = extracted_info.get("fps") vcodec = extracted_info.get("vcodec") acodec = extracted_info.get("acodec") filesize = extracted_info.get("filesize", extracted_info.get("filesize_approx", 1)) likes = extracted_info.get("like_count", extracted_info.get("average_rating", 0)) views = extracted_info.get("view_count", 0) lines = [] if chosen_format and chosen_format_id: lines.append( "* Chosen format: `%s` (`%s`)" % (chosen_format, chosen_format_id), ) if format_note: lines.append("* Format note: %r" % format_note) if final_extension: lines.append("* File extension: " + final_extension) if resolution: _s = resolution if fps: _s += " @ %s FPS" % fps lines.append("* Resolution: " + _s) if vcodec or acodec: lines.append("%s+%s" % (vcodec or "N/A", acodec or "N/A")) if filesize: lines.append("* Filesize: %s" % yt_dlp.utils.format_bytes(filesize)) if lines: description += "\n" description += "\n".join(lines) domain = urlparse(webpage_url).netloc await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title=title, description=description, url=webpage_url, colour=self.colours.get(domain, discord.Colour.og_blurple()) ).set_footer(text="Downloading (step 2/10)").set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) ) previous = await self.get_saved(webpage_url, extracted_info["format_id"]) if previous: await ctx.edit( content=previous, embed=discord.Embed( title=f"Downloaded {title}!", description="Used previously downloaded attachment.",, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), url=previous, fields=[ discord.EmbedField(name="URL", value=previous, inline=False) ] ).set_image(url=previous) ) return try: await asyncio.to_thread(functools.partial(, [url])) except yt_dlp.DownloadError as e: logging.error(e, exc_info=True) return await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title="Error", description=f"Download failed:\n```\n{e}\n```",, url=webpage_url, ), delete_after=120, ) try: if audio_only is False: file = next(temp_dir.glob("*." + extracted_info["ext"])) else: # can be .opus, .m4a, .mp3, .ogg, .oga for _file in temp_dir.iterdir(): if _file.suffix in (".opus", ".m4a", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".oga", ".aac", ".wav"): file = _file break else: raise StopIteration except StopIteration: self.log.warning( "Failed to locate downloaded file. Was supposed to be looking for a file extension of " "%r amongst files %r, however none were found.", extracted_info["ext"], list(map(str, temp_dir.iterdir())) ) return await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title="Error", description="Failed to locate downloaded video file.\n" f"Files: {', '.join(list(map(str, temp_dir.iterdir())))}",, url=webpage_url ) ) if snip: try: trim_start, trim_end = snip.split("-") except ValueError: trim_start, trim_end = snip, None trim_start = trim_start or "00:00:00" trim_end = trim_end or extracted_info.get("duration_string", "00:30:00") new_file = temp_dir / ("output." + file.suffix) args = [ "-hwaccel", "auto", "-ss", trim_start, "-i", str(file), "-to", trim_end, "-preset", "faster", "-crf", "28", "-deadline", "realtime", "-cpu-used", "5", "-movflags", "faststart", "-b:a", "96k", "-y", "-strict", "2", str(new_file) ] async with await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title=f"Trimming from {trim_start} to {trim_end}.", description="Please wait, this may take a couple of minutes.", colour=discord.Colour.og_blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) ) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( "ffmpeg", *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: return await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title="Error", description=f"Trimming failed:\n```\n{stderr.decode()}\n```",, url=webpage_url ) ) file = new_file if audio_only and file.suffix != ".m4a":"Converting %r to m4a.", file) file = await asyncio.to_thread(self.convert_to_m4a, file) stat = file.stat() size_bytes = stat.st_size if size_bytes >= ((25 * 1024 * 1024) - 256): return await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title="Error", description=f"File is too large to upload ({round(size_bytes / 1024 / 1024)}MB).",, url=webpage_url ) ) size_megabits = (size_bytes * 8) / 1024 / 1024 eta_seconds = size_megabits / 20 upload_file = await asyncio.to_thread(discord.File, file, await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title="Uploading...", description=f"ETA ", colour=discord.Colour.og_blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) ) try: msg = await ctx.edit( file=upload_file, embed=discord.Embed( title=f"Downloaded {title}!", description="Views: {:,} | Likes: {:,}".format(views, likes),, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow(), url=webpage_url ) ) await self.save_link(msg, webpage_url, chosen_format_id) except discord.HTTPException as e: self.log.error(e, exc_info=True) return await ctx.edit( embed=discord.Embed( title="Error", description=f"Upload failed:\n```\n{e}\n```",, url=webpage_url ) ) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(YTDLCog(bot))