import asyncio import datetime import glob import json import logging import os import redis import random import shutil import sys import time import traceback import typing from logging import FileHandler from threading import Event, Thread import aiofiles import discord import httpx from discord.ext import commands from rich.console import Console from rich.logging import RichHandler from conf import CONFIG class KillableThread(Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.kill = Event() class KumaThread(KillableThread): def __init__(self, url: str, interval: float = 60.0): super().__init__( self.daemon = True self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy .status") self.url = url self.interval = interval self.kill = Event() self.retries = 0 self.previous = False self.was_ready = False def calculate_backoff(self) -> float: rnd = random.uniform(0, 1) retries = min(self.retries, 1000) t = (2 * 2**retries) + rnd self.log.debug("Backoff: 2 * (2 ** %d) + %f = %f", retries, rnd, t) # T can never exceed self.interval return max(0, min(self.interval, t)) def run(self) -> None: with httpx.Client(http2=True) as client: while not self.kill.is_set(): start_time = time.time() try: self.retries += 1 url = self.url if url.endswith("ping="): url += str(round(bot.latency * 1000, 2)) if bot.is_ready() is False: if self.was_ready is False: # Wait rather than attack time.sleep(1) continue url = url.replace("status=up", "status=down") url = url.replace("msg=OK", "msg=Bot%20not%20ready") else: self.was_ready = True response = client.get(url) response.raise_for_status() self.previous = bot.is_ready() except httpx.HTTPError as error: self.log.error("Failed to connect to uptime-kuma: %r: %r", url, error, exc_info=error) timeout = self.calculate_backoff() self.log.warning("Waiting %d seconds before retrying ping.", timeout) time.sleep(timeout) continue self.retries = 0 end_time = time.time() timeout = self.interval - (end_time - start_time) if self.previous is False: timeout = 2.5 self.kill.wait(timeout) log = logging.getLogger("jimmy") CONFIG.setdefault("logging", {}) cols, lns = shutil.get_terminal_size((120, 48)) logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", level=CONFIG["logging"].get("level", "INFO"), handlers=[ RichHandler( level=CONFIG["logging"].get("level", "INFO"), show_time=False, show_path=False, markup=True, console=Console(width=cols, height=lns), ), FileHandler(filename=CONFIG["logging"].get("file", "jimmy.log"), encoding="utf-8", errors="replace"), ], ) for logger in CONFIG["logging"].get("suppress", []): logging.getLogger(logger).setLevel(logging.WARNING)"Suppressed logging for {logger}") class Client(commands.Bot): def __init_(self, *args, **kwargs): self.web = None self.uptime_thread = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) async def _webhook_reader(self): await self.wait_until_ready() fifo = CONFIG["jimmy"].get("fifo") if not fifo: return if not CONFIG["redis"]: return db = redis.asyncio.Redis(**CONFIG["redis"]) while True: while not os.path.exists(fifo): await asyncio.sleep(1) try: async with, "a") as fifo_fd: async for line in fifo_fd: log.debug("Webhook reader got this line: %r", line) try: data = json.loads(line) token = data.get("token") assert token, "No token in JSON" except (json.JSONDecodeError, AssertionError) as e: log.error("Failed to decode JSON from fifo: %r", line, exc_info=e) await fifo_fd.write( json.dumps( { "status": 400, "detail": "what the fuck did you give me" } ) ) else: if data.get("op") == "ping": await fifo_fd.write( json.dumps( { "token": token, "status": 200, } ) ) elif data.get("id"): existing = await db.get( "truth-%s" % data["id"] ) if existing: data_notk = data.copy() data_notk.pop("token") existing = json.loads(existing) if existing == data_notk: await fifo_fd.write( json.dumps( { "token": token, "status": 204, } ) ) else: await fifo_fd.write( json.dumps( { "token": token, "status": 409, "detail": existing } ) ) else: await db.set( "truth-%s" % data["id"], json.dumps(data) ) await fifo_fd.write( json.dumps( { "token": token, "status": 201, } ) ) else: await fifo_fd.write( json.dumps( { "token": token, "status": 400, "detail": "Unknown operation" } ) ) except Exception as err: log.error("Webhook reader failed", exc_info=err) continue async def on_connect(self): if not any(self.walk_application_commands()): log.warning("No application commands. using pending.") cmds = self.pending_application_commands else: cmds = list(self.walk_application_commands()) log.debug("Walking the following application commands: %r", cmds) for command in cmds: log.debug("Checking %r", command) try: if hasattr(command, "options"): for option in command.options: if option.input_type is None: raise TypeError("Input type is None") _ = command.to_dict() except Exception as e: log.error("Failed to validate %r", command, exc_info=e) self.remove_application_command(command) else: log.debug("Loaded command %r.", command)"Connected to Discord.") await super().on_connect() async def start(self, token: str, *, reconnect: bool = True) -> None: if CONFIG["jimmy"].get("uptime_kuma_url"): self.uptime_thread = KumaThread( CONFIG["jimmy"]["uptime_kuma_url"], CONFIG["jimmy"].get("uptime_kuma_interval", 58.0) ) self.uptime_thread.start() if CONFIG["jimmy"].get("fifo"): if getattr(self, "web", None): self.web.cancel() self.web = None self.web = asyncio.create_task(self._webhook_reader()) await super().start(token, reconnect=reconnect) async def close(self) -> None: if getattr(self, "uptime_thread", None): self.uptime_thread.kill.set() await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, self.uptime_thread.join) if getattr(self, "web", None): self.web.cancel() await super().close() bot = Client( command_prefix=commands.when_mentioned_or("h!", "H!"), case_insensitive=True, strip_after_prefix=True, debug_guilds=CONFIG["jimmy"].get("debug_guilds"), intents=discord.Intents.all(), ) for module in CONFIG["jimmy"].get("modules", ["cogs/*.py"]): try: bot.load_extension(module) except (discord.ExtensionNotFound, ModuleNotFoundError): log.debug("%r does not exist - trying as glob pattern", module) for ext in glob.glob(module, recursive=True): if ext.endswith(("", ".pyc")): continue ext = ext.replace("/", ".")[:-3] # foo/ -> if ext.split(".")[-1].startswith("__"):"Skipping loading %s - starts with double underscore." % ext) try: bot.load_extension(ext) except (discord.ExtensionError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e: log.error(f"Failed to load extension {ext}", exc_info=e) else:"Loaded extension {ext}") except discord.ExtensionError as e: log.error(f"Failed to load extension {module}", exc_info=e) else:"Loaded extension {module}") @bot.event async def on_ready():"Logged in as {bot.user} ({})") @bot.listen() async def on_application_command(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext):"Received command [b]{ctx.command}[/] from {} in {ctx.guild}") ctx.start_time = discord.utils.utcnow() @bot.listen() async def on_application_command_error(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, exc: Exception): log.error(f"Error in {ctx.command} from {} in {ctx.guild}", exc_info=exc) if isinstance(exc, commands.CommandOnCooldown): expires = discord.utils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=exc.retry_after) await ctx.respond(f"Command on cooldown. Try again {discord.utils.format_dt(expires, style='R')}.") elif isinstance(exc, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): await ctx.respond("You've reached the maximum number of concurrent uses for this command.") else: if await bot.is_owner( paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix="```py") for line in traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__): paginator.add_line(line[:1990]) for page in paginator.pages: await ctx.respond(page) else: await ctx.respond(f"An error occurred while processing your command. Please try again later.\n" f"{exc}") @bot.listen() async def on_application_command_completion(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): time_taken = discord.utils.utcnow() - ctx.start_time f"Completed command [b]{ctx.command}[/] from {} in " f"{ctx.guild} in {time_taken.total_seconds():.2f} seconds." ) @bot.message_command(name="Delete Message") async def delete_message(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, message: discord.Message): await ctx.defer() if not if != bot.user: return await ctx.respond("I don't have permission to delete messages in this channel.", delete_after=30)"%s deleted message %s>%s: %r",,,, message.content) await message.delete(delay=3) await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Deleted message by {}.") await ctx.delete(delay=15) @bot.slash_command(name="about") async def about_me(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): embed = discord.Embed( title="Jimmy v3", description="A bot specifically for the LCC discord server(s).", ) embed.add_field( name="Source", value="[Source code is available under AGPLv3.](" ) user = await appinfo = await author = appinfo.owner embed.add_field(name="Author", value=f"{user.mention} created me. {author.mention} is running this instance.") return await ctx.respond(embed=embed) @bot.check_once async def check_is_enabled(ctx: commands.Context | discord.ApplicationContext) -> bool: disabled = CONFIG["jimmy"].get("disabled_commands", []) if ctx.command.qualified_name in disabled: raise commands.DisabledCommand( "%s is disabled via this instance's configuration file." % ( ctx.command.qualified_name ) ) return True @bot.check_once async def add_delays(ctx: commands.Context | discord.ApplicationContext) -> bool: blocked = CONFIG["jimmy"].get("delay", {}) if str( in blocked: range_start, range_end = blocked[str(] range_start = max(0.01, range_start) range_end = min(2.89, range_end) n = random.randint(round(range_start * 100), round(range_end * 100)) / 100 log.warning("Delaying user %s by %.2f seconds.",, n) await asyncio.sleep(n)"Artificial delay for %s lifted", else: log.debug("%s is not in %s",, blocked.keys()) return True if not CONFIG["jimmy"].get("token"): log.critical("No token specified in config.toml. Exiting. (hint: set jimmy.token in config.toml)") sys.exit(1) __disabled = CONFIG["jimmy"].get("disabled_commands", []) __disabled_mode = CONFIG["jimmy"].get("disabled_mode", "disabled").lower() if __disabled: if __disabled_mode == "delete": for __command__name in __disabled: _cmd = bot.get_application_command(__command__name) if not _cmd: log.warning("Unknown command %r - cannot remove.", __command__name) else: bot.remove_application_command(_cmd)"Removed command %s", __command__name) else:"Disabled commands are specified, however they're soft-blocked.") else:"No commands to disable. Full steam ahead!")["jimmy"]["token"])