import asyncio import datetime import io import logging import os import tempfile import time from urllib.parse import urlparse import discord from discord.ext import commands from PIL import Image from selenium import webdriver from import Options as ChromeOptions from import Service as ChromeService class ScreenshotCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.cogs.screenshot") self.chrome_options = ChromeOptions() self.chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") self.chrome_options.add_argument("--disable-extensions") self.chrome_options.add_argument("--incognito") if os.getuid() == 0: self.chrome_options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") self.log.warning("Running as root, disabling chrome sandbox.") prefs = { "download.open_pdf_in_system_reader": False, # "download.prompt_for_download": True, # "download.default_directory": "/dev/null", "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": False, "download_restrictions": 3, } self.chrome_options.add_experimental_option( "prefs", prefs ) def compress_png(self, input_file: io.BytesIO) -> io.BytesIO: img = img = img.convert("RGB") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".webp") as file: quality = 100 while quality > 0: if quality == 100: quality_r = 99 else: quality_r = quality self.log.debug("Compressing image with quality %d%%", quality_r), "webp", quality=quality_r) value = io.BytesIO( if len(value.getvalue()) <= 24 * 1024 * 1024: self.log.debug("%d%% was sufficient.", quality_r) break quality -= 15 else: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't compress image.") return value # noinspection PyTypeChecker @commands.slash_command() async def screenshot( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, url: str, load_timeout: int = 10, render_timeout: int = None, eager: bool = None, resolution: str = "1920x1080" ): """Screenshots a webpage.""" await ctx.defer() if eager is None: eager = render_timeout is None if render_timeout is None: render_timeout = 30 if eager else 10 if not url.startswith("http"): url = "https://" + url self.log.debug( "User %s (%s) is attempting to screenshot %r with load timeout %d, render timeout %d, %s loading, and " "a %s resolution.",,, url, load_timeout, render_timeout, "eager" if eager else "lazy", resolution ) parsed = urlparse(url) await ctx.respond("Initialising...") start_init = time.time() try: service = await asyncio.to_thread(ChromeService) driver: webdriver.Chrome = await asyncio.to_thread( webdriver.Chrome, service=service, options=self.chrome_options ) driver.set_page_load_timeout(load_timeout) if resolution: try: width, height = map(int, resolution.split("x")) driver.set_window_size(width, height) if height > 4320 or width > 7680: return await ctx.respond("Invalid resolution. Max resolution is 7680x4320 (8K).") except ValueError: return await ctx.respond("Invalid resolution. please provide width x height, e.g. 1920x1080") if eager: driver.implicitly_wait(render_timeout) except Exception as e: await ctx.respond("Failed to initialise browser: " + str(e)) raise end_init = time.time() await ctx.edit(content=("Loading webpage..." if not eager else "Loading & screenshotting webpage...")) start_request = time.time() try: await asyncio.to_thread(driver.get, url) except Exception as e: await ctx.respond("Failed to get the webpage: " + str(e)) raise end_request = time.time() if not eager: now = discord.utils.utcnow() expires = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=render_timeout) await ctx.edit(content=f"Rendering (expires {discord.utils.format_dt(expires, 'R')})...") start_wait = time.time() await asyncio.sleep(render_timeout) end_wait = time.time() else: start_wait = end_wait = 1 await ctx.edit(content="Saving screenshot...") start_save = time.time() ss = await asyncio.to_thread(driver.get_screenshot_as_png) file = io.BytesIO() await asyncio.to_thread(file.write, ss) end_save = time.time() if len(await asyncio.to_thread(file.getvalue)) > 24 * 1024 * 1024: start_compress = time.time() file = await asyncio.to_thread(self.compress_png, file) fn = "screenshot.webp" end_compress = time.time() else: fn = "screenshot.png" start_compress = end_compress = 1 await ctx.edit(content="Cleaning up...") start_cleanup = time.time() await asyncio.to_thread(driver.close) await asyncio.to_thread(driver.quit) end_cleanup = time.time() screenshot_size_mb = round(len(await asyncio.to_thread(file.getvalue)) / 1024 / 1024, 2) def seconds(start: float, end: float) -> float: return round(end - start, 2) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Screenshot of {parsed.hostname}", description=f"Init time: {seconds(start_init, end_init)}s\n" f"Request time: {seconds(start_request, end_request)}s\n" f"Wait time: {seconds(start_wait, end_wait)}s\n" f"Save time: {seconds(start_save, end_save)}s\n" f"Compress time: {seconds(start_compress, end_compress)}s\n" f"Cleanup time: {seconds(start_cleanup, end_cleanup)}s\n" f"Screenshot size: {screenshot_size_mb}MB\n", colour=discord.Colour.dark_theme(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_image(url="attachment://" + fn) return await ctx.edit(content=None, embed=embed, file=discord.File(file, filename=fn)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(ScreenshotCog(bot))