services: jimmy: container_name: jimmy-v2 image: restart: unless-stopped tty: true volumes: - ./config.toml:/app/config.toml:ro - ./jimmy.log:/app/jimmy.log - /dev/dri:/dev/dri - jimmy-data:/app/data - ./ipc/:/tmp/ipc/ extra_hosts: - host.docker.internal:host-gateway depends_on: - redis # you can remove this if you remove the ollama and starboard cogs. jimmy-webhook-server: container_name: jimmy-webhook-server image: restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./ipc/:/tmp/ipc/ depends_on: - jimmy command: ["/app/venv/bin/uvicorn", "--host", "", "--port", "1111", "server:app"] ollama: image: ollama/ollama:latest container_name: ollama restart: unless-stopped ports: - 11434:11434 volumes: - ollama-data:/root/.ollama redis: image: redis restart: unless-stopped command: redis-server --save 60 1 --loglevel warning volumes: - redis-data:/data volumes: ollama-data: jimmy-data: redis-data: