import collections import json import logging import time import typing from fnmatch import fnmatch import aiohttp import discord from discord.ext import commands from conf import CONFIG SERVER_KEYS = list(CONFIG["ollama"].keys()) class Ollama(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.cogs.ollama") async def ollama_stream(self, iterator: aiohttp.StreamReader) -> typing.AsyncIterator[dict]: async for line in iterator: original_line = line line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace").strip() try: line = json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.log.warning("Unable to decode JSON: %r", original_line) continue else: self.log.debug("Decoded JSON %r -> %r", original_line, line) yield line @commands.slash_command() async def ollama( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, query: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The query to feed into ollama. Not the system prompt.", default=None ) ], model: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The model to use for ollama. Defaults to 'llama2-uncensored:latest'.", default="llama2-uncensored:latest" ) ], server: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The server to use for ollama.", default=SERVER_KEYS[0], choices=SERVER_KEYS ) ], ): with open("./assets/ollama-prompt.txt") as file: system_prompt = if query is None: class InputPrompt(discord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self, is_owner: bool): super().__init__( discord.ui.InputText( label="User Prompt", placeholder="Enter prompt", min_length=1, max_length=4000, style=discord.InputTextStyle.long, ), title="Enter prompt", timeout=120, ) if is_owner: self.add_item( discord.ui.InputText( label="System Prompt", placeholder="Enter prompt", min_length=1, max_length=4000, style=discord.InputTextStyle.long, value=system_prompt, ) ) self.user_prompt = None self.system_prompt = system_prompt async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.user_prompt = self.children[0].value if len(self.children) > 1: self.system_prompt = self.children[1].value await interaction.response.defer() self.stop() modal = InputPrompt(await await ctx.send_modal(modal) await modal.wait() query = modal.user_prompt if not modal.user_prompt: return system_prompt = modal.system_prompt or system_prompt else: await ctx.defer() model = model.casefold() try: model, tag = model.split(":", 1) model = model + ":" + tag self.log.debug("Model %r already has a tag") except ValueError: model = model + ":latest" self.log.debug("Resolved model to %r" % model) if server not in CONFIG["ollama"]: await ctx.respond("Invalid server") return server_config = CONFIG["ollama"][server] for model_pattern in server_config["allowed_models"]: if fnmatch(model, model_pattern): break else: allowed_models = ", ".join(map(discord.utils.escape_markdown, server_config["allowed_models"])) await ctx.respond(f"Invalid model. You can only use one of the following models: {allowed_models}") return async with aiohttp.ClientSession( base_url=server_config["base_url"], ) as session: embed = discord.Embed( title="Checking server...", description=f"Checking that specified model and tag ({model}) are available on the server.", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) await ctx.respond(embed=embed) try: async with"/api/show", json={"name": model}) as resp: if resp.status not in [404, 200]: embed = discord.Embed( url=resp.url, title=f"HTTP {resp.status} {resp.reason!r} while checking for model.", description=f"```{await resp.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError as e: embed = discord.Embed( title="Connection error while checking for model.", description=f"```{e}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) if resp.status == 404: def progress_bar(value: float, action: str = None): bar = "\N{large green square}" * round(value / 10) bar += "\N{white large square}" * (10 - len(bar)) bar += f" {value:.2f}%" if action: return f"{action} {bar}" return bar embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Downloading {model!r}", description=f"Downloading {model!r} from {server_config['base_url']}", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.add_field(name="Progress", value=progress_bar(0)) await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() async with"/api/pull", json={"name": model, "stream": True}, timeout=None) as response: if response.status != 200: embed = discord.Embed( url=response.url, title=f"HTTP {response.status} {response.reason!r} while downloading model.", description=f"```{await response.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) async for line in self.ollama_stream(response.content): if time.time() >= (last_update + 5.1): if line.get("total") is not None and line.get("completed") is not None: percent = (line["completed"] / line["total"]) * 100 else: percent = 50.0 embed.fields[0].value = progress_bar(percent, line["status"]) await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() embed = discord.Embed( title="Generating response...", description=">>> \u200b", color=discord.Color.blurple() ) async with "/api/generate", json={ "model": model, "prompt": query, "format": "json", "system": system_prompt, "stream": True } ) as response: if response.status != 200: embed = discord.Embed( url=response.url, title=f"HTTP {response.status} {response.reason!r} while generating response.", description=f"```{await response.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() async for line in self.ollama_stream(response.content): if line.get("done", False) is True or time.time() >= (last_update + 5.1): if line.get("done"): embed.title = "Done!" embed.color = embed.description += line["response"] if len(embed.description) >= 4096: embed.description = embed.description[:4093] + "..." break await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Ollama(bot))