import asyncio import json import logging import os import textwrap import time import typing import io from discord.ui import View, button from fnmatch import fnmatch import aiohttp import discord from discord.ext import commands from conf import CONFIG class OllamaView(View): def __init__(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): super().__init__(timeout=3600, disable_on_timeout=True) self.ctx = ctx self.cancel = asyncio.Event() async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool: return interaction.user == self.ctx.user @button(label="Stop", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger, emoji="\N{wastebasket}\U0000fe0f") async def _stop(self, btn: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.cancel.set() btn.disabled = True await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self) self.stop() SERVER_KEYS = list(CONFIG["ollama"].keys()) class Ollama(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.cogs.ollama") self.last_server = 0 self.contexts = {} def next_server(self, increment: bool = True) -> str: """Returns the next server key.""" if increment: self.last_server += 1 return SERVER_KEYS[self.last_server % len(SERVER_KEYS)] async def ollama_stream(self, iterator: aiohttp.StreamReader) -> typing.AsyncIterator[dict]: async for line in iterator: original_line = line line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace").strip() try: line = json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.log.warning("Unable to decode JSON: %r", original_line) continue else: self.log.debug("Decoded JSON %r -> %r", original_line, line) yield line @commands.slash_command() async def ollama( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, query: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The query to feed into ollama. Not the system prompt.", ) ], model: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The model to use for ollama. Defaults to 'llama2-uncensored:latest'.", default="llama2-uncensored:latest" ) ], server: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The server to use for ollama.", default="next", choices=SERVER_KEYS ) ], context: typing.Annotated[ str, discord.Option( str, "The context key of a previous ollama response to use as context.", default=None ) ], give_acid: typing.Annotated[ bool, discord.Option( bool, "Whether to give the AI acid, LSD, and other hallucinogens before responding.", default=False ) ] ): if context is not None: if context not in self.contexts: await ctx.respond("Invalid context key.") return with open("./assets/ollama-prompt.txt") as file: system_prompt = await ctx.defer() model = model.casefold() try: model, tag = model.split(":", 1) model = model + ":" + tag self.log.debug("Model %r already has a tag", model) except ValueError: model = model + ":latest" self.log.debug("Resolved model to %r" % model) if server == "next": server = self.next_server() elif server not in CONFIG["ollama"]: await ctx.respond("Invalid server") return server_config = CONFIG["ollama"][server] for model_pattern in server_config["allowed_models"]: if fnmatch(model, model_pattern): break else: allowed_models = ", ".join(map(discord.utils.escape_markdown, server_config["allowed_models"])) await ctx.respond(f"Invalid model. You can only use one of the following models: {allowed_models}") return async with aiohttp.ClientSession( base_url=server_config["base_url"], timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(0) ) as session: embed = discord.Embed( title="Checking server...", description=f"Checking that specified model and tag ({model}) are available on the server.", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) await ctx.respond(embed=embed) try: self.log.debug("Connecting to %r", server_config["base_url"]) async with"/api/show", json={"name": model}) as resp: self.log.debug("%r responded.", server_config["base_url"]) if resp.status not in [404, 200]: embed = discord.Embed( url=resp.url, title=f"HTTP {resp.status} {resp.reason!r} while checking for model.", description=f"```{await resp.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError as e: embed = discord.Embed( title="Connection error while checking for model.", description=f"```{e}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) if resp.status == 404: self.log.debug("Beginning download of %r", model) def progress_bar(_v: float, action: str = None): bar = "\N{large green square}" * round(_v / 10) bar += "\N{white large square}" * (10 - len(bar)) bar += f" {_v:.2f}%" if action: return f"{action} {bar}" return bar embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Downloading {model!r}", description=f"Downloading {model!r} from {server_config['base_url']}", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.add_field(name="Progress", value=progress_bar(0)) await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() async with"/api/pull", json={"name": model, "stream": True}, timeout=None) as response: if response.status != 200: embed = discord.Embed( url=response.url, title=f"HTTP {response.status} {response.reason!r} while downloading model.", description=f"```{await response.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) async for line in self.ollama_stream(response.content): if time.time() >= (last_update + 5.1): if line.get("total") is not None and line.get("completed") is not None: percent = (line["completed"] / line["total"]) * 100 else: percent = 50.0 embed.fields[0].value = progress_bar(percent, line["status"]) await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() else: self.log.debug("Model %r already exists on server.", model) key = os.urandom(6).hex() embed = discord.Embed( title="Generating response...", description=">>> ", color=discord.Color.blurple(), timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_author( name=model, url="" + model.split(":")[0], icon_url="" ) embed.add_field( name="Prompt", value=">>> " + textwrap.shorten(query, width=1020, placeholder="..."), inline=False ) embed.set_footer(text="Using server %r" % server, icon_url=server_config.get("icon_url")) view = OllamaView(ctx) try: await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=view) except discord.NotFound: await ctx.respond(embed=embed, view=view) self.log.debug("Beginning to generate response with key %r.", key) params = {} if give_acid is True: params["temperature"] = 500 params["top_k"] = 500 params["top_p"] = 500 payload = { "model": model, "prompt": query, "system": system_prompt, "stream": True, "options": params, } if context is not None: payload["context"] = self.contexts[context] async with "/api/generate", json=payload, ) as response: if response.status != 200: embed = discord.Embed( url=response.url, title=f"HTTP {response.status} {response.reason!r} while generating response.", description=f"```{await response.text() or 'No response body'}```"[:4096],, timestamp=discord.utils.utcnow() ) embed.set_footer(text="Unable to continue.") return await ctx.edit(embed=embed) last_update = time.time() buffer = io.StringIO() context = [] if not view.cancel.is_set(): async for line in self.ollama_stream(response.content): if "context" in line: context = line["context"] buffer.write(line["response"]) embed.description += line["response"] embed.timestamp = discord.utils.utcnow() if len(embed.description) >= 4096: embed.description = embed.description = "..." + line["response"] if view.cancel.is_set(): break if time.time() >= (last_update + 5.1): await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=view) self.log.debug(f"Updating message ({last_update} -> {time.time()})") last_update = time.time() view.stop() if context: self.contexts[key] = context embed.add_field(name="Context Key", value=key, inline=True) self.log.debug("Ollama finished consuming.") embed.title = "Done!" embed.color = value = buffer.getvalue() if len(value) >= 4096: embeds = [discord.Embed(title="Done!",] current_page = "" for word in value.split(): if len(current_page) + len(word) >= 4096: embeds.append(discord.Embed(description=current_page)) current_page = "" current_page += word + " " else: embeds.append(discord.Embed(description=current_page)) await ctx.edit(embeds=embeds, view=None) else: await ctx.edit(embed=embed, view=None) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Ollama(bot))