2023-01-19 14:04:28 +00:00

88 lines
3.9 KiB

from datetime import datetime
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from utils import Student, get_or_none, BannedStudentID, owner_or_admin, JimmyBans
class Mod(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
@commands.user_command(name="Ban Account's B Number")
async def ban_student_id(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, member: discord.Member):
"""Bans a student ID from registering. Also bans an account associated with it."""
await ctx.defer(ephemeral=True)
student_id = await get_or_none(Student,
if student_id is None:
return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} Unknown B number (is the user verified yet?)", ephemeral=True)
ban = await get_or_none(BannedStudentID,
if ban is None:
ban = await BannedStudentID.objects.create(,,
await member.ban(reason=f"Banned ID {ban.student_id} by {ctx.user}")
return await ctx.respond(
f"\N{white heavy check mark} Banned {ban.student_id} (and {member.mention})", ephemeral=True
async def unban_student_id(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, student_id: str):
"""Unbans a student ID and the account associated with it."""
student_id = student_id.upper()
ban = await get_or_none(BannedStudentID, student_id=student_id)
if not ban:
return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} That student ID isn't banned.")
await ctx.defer()
user_id = ban.associated_account
await ban.delete()
if not user_id:
return await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unbanned {student_id}. No user to unban.")
await ctx.guild.unban(discord.Object(user_id), reason=f"Unbanned by {ctx.user}")
except discord.HTTPException as e:
return await ctx.respond(
f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unbanned {student_id}. Failed to unban {user_id} - HTTP {e.status}."
return await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unbanned {student_id}. Unbanned {user_id}.")
async def block_user(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, user: discord.Member, reason: str, *, until: str):
"""Blocks a user from using the bot."""
await ctx.defer()
hour, minute = map(int, until.split(":"))
except ValueError:
return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} Invalid time format. Use HH:MM.")
end = datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=hour, minute=minute)
# get an entry for the user's ID, and if it doesn't exist, create it. Otherwise, alert the user.
entry = await get_or_none(JimmyBans,
if entry is None:
await JimmyBans.objects.create(, reason=reason, until=end.timestamp())
return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} That user is already blocked.")
await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Blocked {user.mention} until {discord.utils.format_dt(end)}.")
async def unblock_user(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, user: discord.Member):
"""Unblocks a user from using the bot."""
await ctx.defer()
entry = await get_or_none(JimmyBans,
if entry is None:
return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} That user isn't blocked.")
await entry.delete()
await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unblocked {user.mention}.")
def setup(bot):