import discord import httpx from discord.ext import commands from utils import get_or_none from utils.db import AccessTokens try: from config import OAUTH_ID, OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI except ImportError: OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = OAUTH_ID = None class InfoCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.client = httpx.AsyncClient(base_url="") async def get_user_info(self, token: str): try: response = await self.client.get("/users/@me", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}) response.raise_for_status() except (httpx.HTTPError, httpx.RequestError, ConnectionError): return return response.json() async def get_user_guilds(self, token: str): try: response = await self.client.get("/users/@me/guilds", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}) response.raise_for_status() except (httpx.HTTPError, httpx.RequestError, ConnectionError): return return response.json() async def get_user_connections(self, token: str): try: response = await self.client.get("/users/@me/connections", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}) response.raise_for_status() except (httpx.HTTPError, httpx.RequestError, ConnectionError): return return response.json() @commands.slash_command() @commands.cooldown(1, 10, commands.BucketType.user) async def me(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationCommand): """Displays oauth info about you""" await ctx.defer() user = await get_or_none(AccessTokens, if not user: url = "" return await ctx.respond( embed=discord.Embed( title="You must link your account first!", description="Don't worry, [I only store your IP information. And the access token.](%s)" % url, url=url ) ) user_data = await self.get_user_info(user.access_token) guilds = await self.get_user_guilds(user.access_token) connections = await self.get_user_connections(user.access_token) embed = discord.Embed( title="Your info", ) if user_data: for field in ("bot", "system", "mfa_enabled", "banner", "accent_color", "mfa_enabled", "locale", "verified", "email", "flags", "premium_type", "public_flags"): user_data.set_default(field, "None") lines = [ "ID: {0[id]}", "Username: {0[username]}", "Discriminator: #{0[discriminator]}", "Avatar: {0[avatar]}", "Bot: {0[bot]}", "System: {0[system]}", "MFA Enabled: {0[mfa_enabled]}", "Banner: {0[banner]}", "Banner Color: {0[banner_color]}", "Locale: {0[locale]}", "Email Verified: {0[verified]}", "Email: {0[email]}", "Flags: {0[flags]}", "Premium Type: {0[premium_type]}", "Public Flags: {0[public_flags]}", ] embed.add_field( name="User Info", value="\n".join(lines).format(user_data), inline=False ) if guilds: guilds = sorted(guilds, key=lambda x: x["name"]) embed.add_field( name="Guilds (%d):" % len(guilds), value="\n".join(f"{guild['name']} ({guild['id']})" for guild in guilds), inline=False ) if connections: embed.add_field( name="Connections (%d):" % len(connections), value="\n".join(f"{connection['type'].title()} ({connection['id']})" for connection in connections), inline=False ) await ctx.respond(embed=embed) def setup(bot): if OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI and OAUTH_ID: bot.add_cog(InfoCog(bot)) else: print("OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI not set, not loading info cog")