import asyncio import ipaddress import sys import discord import os import httpx from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime, timezone from hashlib import sha512 from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request, Header from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, RedirectResponse, HTMLResponse from http import HTTPStatus from starlette.websockets import WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect from utils import Student, get_or_none, VerifyCode, console, BannedStudentID from utils.db import AccessTokens from config import guilds SF_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent / "static" if SF_ROOT.exists() and SF_ROOT.is_dir(): from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles else: StaticFiles = None try: from config import OAUTH_ID, OAUTH_SECRET, OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI except ImportError: OAUTH_ID = OAUTH_SECRET = OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = None try: from config import WEB_ROOT_PATH except ImportError: WEB_ROOT_PATH = "" GENERAL = "" OAUTH_ENABLED = OAUTH_ID and OAUTH_SECRET and OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI app = FastAPI(root_path=WEB_ROOT_PATH) = None app.state.states = {} app.state.http = httpx.Client() if StaticFiles: app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory=SF_ROOT), name="static") try: from utils.client import bot = bot except ImportError: bot = None @app.middleware("http") async def check_bot_instanced(request, call_next): if not return JSONResponse( status_code=503, content={"message": "Not ready."}, headers={ "Retry-After": "10" } ) return await call_next(request) @app.get("/ping") def ping(): bot_started = - return { "ping": "pong", "online":, "latency": max(round(, 2), 0.01), "uptime": max(round(bot_started.total_seconds(), 2), 1) } @app.get("/auth") async def authenticate(req: Request, code: str = None, state: str = None): """Begins Oauth flow (browser only)""" if not OAUTH_ENABLED: raise HTTPException( 501, "OAuth is not enabled." ) if not (code and state) or state not in app.state.states: value = os.urandom(4).hex() if value in app.state.states: print("Generated a state that already exists. Cleaning up", file=sys.stderr) # remove any states older than 5 minutes removed = 0 for _value in list(app.state.states): if ( - app.state.states[_value]).total_seconds() > 300: del app.state.states[_value] removed += 1 value = os.urandom(4).hex() print(f"Removed {removed} states.", file=sys.stderr) if value in app.state.states: print("Critical: Generated a state that already exists and could not free any slots.", file=sys.stderr) raise HTTPException( HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Could not generate a state token (state container full, potential (D)DOS attack?). " "Please try again later.", # Saying a suspected DDOS makes sense, there are 4,294,967,296 possible states, the likelyhood of a # collision is 1 in 4,294,967,296. headers={ "Retry-After": "300" } ) app.state.states[value] = return RedirectResponse( discord.utils.oauth_url( OAUTH_ID, redirect_uri=OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI, scopes=('identify', "connections", "guilds", "email") ) + f"&state={value}&prompt=none", status_code=HTTPStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, headers={ "Cache-Control": "no-store, no-cache" } ) else: app.state.states.pop(state) # First, we need to do the auth code flow response = "", data={ "client_id": OAUTH_ID, "client_secret": OAUTH_SECRET, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": code, "redirect_uri": OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI, } ) if response.status_code != 200: raise HTTPException( status_code=response.status_code, detail=response.text ) data = response.json() access_token = data["access_token"] # Now we can generate a token token = sha512(access_token.encode()).hexdigest() # Now we can get the user's info response = app.state.http.get( "", headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + data["access_token"] } ) if response.status_code != 200: raise HTTPException( status_code=response.status_code, detail=response.text ) user = response.json() # Now we need to fetch the student from the database student = await get_or_none(AccessTokens, user_id=user["id"]) if not student: student = await AccessTokens.objects.create( user_id=user["id"], access_token=access_token ) # Now send a request to{ip}?fields=status,city,zip,lat,lon,isp,query _host = ipaddress.ip_address( if not any((_host.is_loopback, _host.is_private, _host.is_reserved, _host.is_unspecified)): response = app.state.http.get( f"{}?fields=status,city,zip,lat,lon,isp,query,proxy,hosting" ) if response.status_code != 200: raise HTTPException( status_code=response.status_code, detail=response.text ) data = response.json() if data["status"] != "success": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=f"Failed to get IP data for {}: {data}." ) else: data = None # Now we can update the student entry with this data await student.update(ip_info=data, access_token_hash=token) document = \ f""" Redirecting...

Redirecting you to the general channel...

Click here if you are not redirected. """ # And set it as a cookie response = HTMLResponse( document, status_code=200, headers={ "Location": GENERAL, "Cache-Control": "max-age=604800" } ) # set the cookie for at most 604800 seconds - expire after that response.set_cookie( "token", token, max_age=604800, samesite="strict", httponly=True, ) return response @app.get("/verify/{code}") async def verify(code: str): guild =[0]) if not guild: raise HTTPException( status_code=503, detail="Not ready." ) # First, we need to fetch the code from the database verify_code = await get_or_none(VerifyCode, code=code) if not verify_code: raise HTTPException( status_code=404, detail="Code not found." ) # Now we need to fetch the student from the database student = await get_or_none(Student, user_id=verify_code.bind) if student: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail="Already verified." ) ban = await get_or_none(BannedStudentID, student_id=verify_code.student_id) if ban is not None: return await guild.kick( reason=f"Attempted to verify with banned student ID {ban.student_id}" f" (originally associated with account {ban.associated_account})" ) await Student.objects.create( id=verify_code.student_id, user_id=verify_code.bind, ) await verify_code.delete() role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: == "verified", guild.roles) member = await guild.fetch_member(verify_code.bind) if role and role < await member.add_roles(role, reason="Verified") try: await member.edit(nick=f"{}", reason="Verified") except discord.HTTPException: pass # And delete the code await verify_code.delete() console.log(f"[green]{verify_code.bind} verified ({verify_code.bind}/{verify_code.student_id})") return RedirectResponse( GENERAL, status_code=308 )"/bridge", include_in_schema=False) async def bridge(req: Request): body = await req.json() if body["secret"] != raise HTTPException( status_code=401, detail="Invalid secret." ) channel = if not channel: raise HTTPException( status_code=404, detail="Channel does not exist." ) await channel.send( f"**{body['sender']}**:\n>>> {body['message']}" ) return {"status": "ok"} @app.websocket('/bridge/recv') async def bridge_recv(ws: WebSocket, secret: str = Header(None)): if secret != raise HTTPException( status_code=401, detail="Invalid secret." ) await ws.accept() while True: try: data = except asyncio.QueueEmpty: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) continue try: await ws.send_json(data) except WebSocketDisconnect: break finally: