import discord from discord.ext import commands from utils import Student, get_or_none, BannedStudentID import orm class Mod(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.user_command(name="Ban Account's B Number") @discord.default_permissions(ban_members=True) async def ban_student_id(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, member: discord.Member): """Bans a student ID from registering. Also bans an account associated with it.""" await ctx.defer(ephemeral=True) student_id = await get_or_none(Student, if student_id is None: return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} Unknown B number (is the user verified yet?)", ephemeral=True) ban = await get_or_none(BannedStudentID, if ban is None: ban = await BannedStudentID.objects.create(,, ) await member.ban(reason=f"Banned ID {ban.student_id} by {}") return await ctx.respond( f"\N{white heavy check mark} Banned {ban.student_id} (and {member.mention})", ephemeral=True ) @commands.slash_command(name="unban-student-number") @discord.default_permissions(ban_members=True) async def unban_student_id(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, student_id: str): """Unbans a student ID and the account associated with it.""" student_id = student_id.upper() ban = await get_or_none(BannedStudentID, student_id=student_id) if not ban: return await ctx.respond("\N{cross mark} That student ID isn't banned.") await ctx.defer() user_id = ban.associated_account await ban.delete() if not user_id: return await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unbanned {student_id}. No user to unban.") else: try: await ctx.guild.unban(discord.Object(user_id), reason=f"Unbanned by {}") except discord.HTTPException as e: return await ctx.respond( f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unbanned {student_id}. Failed to unban {user_id} - HTTP {e.status}." ) else: return await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Unbanned {student_id}. Unbanned {user_id}.") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Mod(bot))