import asyncio import io import logging import textwrap import redis import json from urllib.parse import urlparse import discord import httpx from discord.ext import commands class StarBoardCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.log = logging.getLogger("jimmy.starboard") self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self.redis = redis.asyncio.Redis(decode_responses=True) @staticmethod async def archive_image(starboard_message: discord.Message): async with httpx.AsyncClient( headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.69; Win64; x64) " "LCC-Bot-Scraper/0 (" } ) as session: image = starboard_message.embeds[0].image if image and image.url: parsed = urlparse(image.url) filename = parsed.path.split("/")[-1] try: r = await session.get(image.url) except httpx.HTTPError: if image.proxy_url: r = await session.get(image.proxy_url) else: return FS_LIMIT = starboard_message.guild.filesize_limit # if FS_LIMIT is 8mb, its actually 25MB if FS_LIMIT == 8 * 1024 * 1024: FS_LIMIT = 25 * 1024 * 1024 if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.content) < FS_LIMIT: file = io.BytesIO(r.content) embed = starboard_message.embeds[0].copy() embed.set_image(url="attachment://" + filename) embeds = [embed, *starboard_message.embeds[1:]] await starboard_message.edit(embeds=embeds, file=discord.File(file, filename=filename)) async def _ping_check(self): return await async def generate_starboard_embed(self, message: discord.Message) -> discord.Embed: star_count = [x for x in message.reactions if str(x.emoji) == "\N{white medium star}"] if not star_count: star_count = 0 else: star_count = star_count[0].count embed = discord.Embed(, timestamp=message.created_at, description=message.content) embed.set_author(, url=message.jump_url, ) if star_count > 5: stars = "\N{white medium star}x{:,}".format(star_count) else: stars = "\N{white medium star}" * star_count stars = stars or "\N{no entry sign}" embed.add_field( name="Info", value=f"Star count: {stars}\n" f"Channel: {}\n" f"Author: {}\n" f"URL: [jump]({message.jump_url})\n" f"Sent: {discord.utils.format_dt(message.created_at, 'R')}", inline=False, ) if message.edited_at: embed.fields[0].value += "\nLast edited: " + discord.utils.format_dt(message.edited_at, "R") if message.reference is not None: try: ref: discord.Message = await message.reference.message_id ) except discord.HTTPException: pass else: embed.add_field( name="In reply to", value=f"[Message by {}]({ref.jump_url}):\n>>> ", inline=False, ) field = embed.fields[1] if not ref.content: embed.fields[1].value = field.value.replace(":\n>>> ", "") else: embed.fields[1].value += textwrap.shorten(ref.content, 1024 - len(field.value), placeholder="...") if message.interaction is not None: inter: discord.MessageInteraction = message.interaction if inter.type == discord.InteractionType.application_command: cmd = "".format(, else: cmd = repr( embed.add_field( name="In response to", value=f"Command {cmd} by {inter.user.display_name}", inline=False, ) for file in message.attachments: name = f"Attachment #{message.attachments.index(file)}" spoiler = file.is_spoiler() if spoiler: embed.add_field(name=name, value=f"||[{file.filename}]({file.url})||", inline=False) else: if file.content_type.startswith("image"): if embed.image is not None: embed.set_image(url=file.url) embed.add_field(name=name, value=f"[{file.filename}]({file.url})", inline=False) # embed.set_footer(text="Starboard threshold for this message was {:.2f}.".format(cap)) return embed @commands.Cog.listener("on_raw_reaction_add") @commands.Cog.listener("on_raw_reaction_remove") async def on_star_add(self, payload: discord.RawReactionActionEvent): if not payload.guild_id: return if not await self._ping_check(): self.log.warning("Redis ping check failed - redis offline?") return async with self.lock: if str(payload.emoji) != "\N{white medium star}": return _channel: discord.TextChannel = message: discord.Message = await _channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id) if == payload.user_id and payload.event_type == "REACTION_ADD": if await message.remove_reaction(payload.emoji, return await message.reply( f"You can't star your own messages you pretentious dick, {}." ) star_count = [x for x in message.reactions if str(x.emoji) == "\N{white medium star}"] if not star_count: star_count = 0 else: star_count = star_count[0].count entry = await self.redis.get(str( if entry: entry = json.loads(entry) channel = discord.utils.get(message.guild.text_channels, name="starboard") if not channel: return if star_count == 0: if not entry: return else: entry = json.loads(entry) if channel: try: message = await channel.fetch_message(entry["starboard_msg_id"]) await message.delete(delay=0.1, reason="Starboard message lost all stars.") except discord.HTTPException: pass finally: return await self.redis.delete(str( else: return await self.redis.delete(str( if not entry: created = True entry = { "message_id": payload.message_id, "channel_id": payload.channel_id, "guild_id": payload.guild_id, "starboard_channel_id":, "starboard_message_id": None } else: created = False if created: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences cap = if and hasattr(cap, "members"): cap = len([x for x in cap.members if not]) * 0.1 else: cap = cap.member_count * 0.1 if star_count >= cap: if channel and channel.can_send(discord.Embed()): embed = await self.generate_starboard_embed(message) embeds = [embed, *tuple(filter(lambda x: x.type == "rich", message.embeds))][:10] msg = await channel.send(embeds=embeds) entry["starboard_message_id"] = await self.redis.set(str(payload.message_id), json.dumps(entry)) else: await self.redis.delete(str(payload.message_id)) return else: channel = discord.utils.get(message.guild.text_channels, name="starboard") embed = await self.generate_starboard_embed(message) embeds = [embed, *tuple(filter(lambda x: x.type == "rich", message.embeds))][:10] if channel and channel.can_send() and entry.starboard_message: try: msg = await channel.fetch_message(entry.starboard_message) except discord.NotFound: msg = await channel.send(embeds=embeds) # await entry.update( entry["starboard_message_id"] = await self.redis.set(str(payload.message_id), json.dumps(entry)) except discord.HTTPException: pass else: await msg.edit(embeds=embeds) @commands.message_command(name="Starboard Info") @discord.guild_only() async def get_starboard_info(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, message: discord.Message): if not await self._ping_check(): self.log.warning("Redis ping check failed - redis offline?") data = {"warning": "redis offline - ping failed."} else: data = await self.redis.get(str( return await ctx.respond( '```json\n%s\n```' % json.dumps(data, indent=4), embed=await self.generate_starboard_embed(message) ) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(StarBoardCog(bot))