import asyncio import io import json import os import random import re import tempfile import textwrap from datetime import timedelta from io import BytesIO import dns.resolver import httpx from dns import asyncresolver import aiofiles import pyttsx3 from time import time, time_ns, sleep from typing import Literal from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlparse import aiohttp import discord import psutil from discord.ext import commands from rich.tree import Tree from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException from import Options as ChromeOptions from import Service as ChromeService from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service as FirefoxService # from from utils import console _engine = pyttsx3.init() # noinspection PyTypeChecker VOICES = [ for x in _engine.getProperty("voices")] del _engine # noinspection DuplicatedCode class OtherCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self.http = httpx.AsyncClient() class AbortScreenshotTask(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, task: asyncio.Task): super().__init__() self.task = task @discord.ui.button(label="Abort", async def abort(self, button: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction): new: discord.Interaction = await interaction.response.send_message("Aborting...", ephemeral=True) self.task.cancel() try: await self.task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass self.disable_all_items() button.label = "[ aborted ]" await new.edit_original_response(content="Aborted screenshot task.", view=self) self.stop() async def screenshot_website( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, website: str, driver: Literal["chrome", "firefox"], render_time: int = 10, load_timeout: int = 30, window_height: int = 1920, window_width: int = 1080, full_screenshot: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[discord.File, str, int, int]: async def _blocking(*args): return await, *args) def find_driver(): nonlocal driver, driver_path drivers = { "firefox": [ "/usr/bin/firefox-esr", "/usr/bin/firefox", ], "chrome": ["/usr/bin/chromium", "/usr/bin/chrome", "/usr/bin/chrome-browser", "/usr/bin/google-chrome"], } selected_driver = driver arr = drivers.pop(selected_driver) for binary in arr: b = Path(binary).resolve() if not b.exists(): continue driver = selected_driver driver_path = b break else: for key, value in drivers.items(): for binary in value: b = Path(binary).resolve() if not b.exists(): continue driver = key driver_path = b break else: continue break else: raise RuntimeError("No browser binary.") return driver, driver_path driver, driver_path = find_driver() console.log( "Using driver '{}' with binary '{}' to screenshot '{}', as requested by {}.".format( driver, driver_path, website, ctx.user ) ) def _setup(): nonlocal driver if driver == "chrome": options = ChromeOptions() options.add_argument("--headless") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") options.add_argument("--disable-gpu") options.add_argument("--disable-extensions") options.add_argument("--incognito") options.binary_location = str(driver_path) service = ChromeService("/usr/bin/chromedriver") driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=options) driver.set_window_size(window_height, window_width) else: options = FirefoxOptions() options.add_argument("--headless") options.add_argument("--private-window") options.add_argument("--safe-mode") options.add_argument("--new-instance") options.binary_location = str(driver_path) service = FirefoxService("/usr/bin/geckodriver") driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=service, options=options) driver.set_window_size(window_height, window_width) return driver, textwrap.shorten(website, 100) # Is it overkill to cast this to a thread? yes # Do I give a flying fuck? kinda # Why am I doing this? I suspect setup is causing a ~10-second block of the event loop driver_name = driver start_init = time() driver, friendly_url = await asyncio.to_thread(_setup) end_init = time() console.log("Driver '{}' initialised in {} seconds.".format(driver_name, round(end_init - start_init, 2))) def _edit(content: str): expires = round(time() + load_timeout) _edit(content=f"Screenshotting <{friendly_url}>... (49%, loading webpage, aborts )") await _blocking(driver.set_page_load_timeout, load_timeout) start = time() await _blocking(driver.get, website) end = time() get_time = round((end - start) * 1000) render_time_expires = round(time() + render_time) _edit(content=f"Screenshotting <{friendly_url}>... (66%, stopping render )") await asyncio.sleep(render_time) _edit(content=f"Screenshotting <{friendly_url}>... (83%, saving screenshot)") domain = re.sub(r"https?://", "", website) screenshot_method = driver.get_screenshot_as_png if full_screenshot and driver_name == "firefox": screenshot_method = driver.get_full_page_screenshot_as_png start = time() data = await _blocking(screenshot_method) _io = io.BytesIO() # Write the data async because HAHAHAHAHAHAHA # We'll do it in the existing event loop though because less overhead await _blocking(_io.write, data) end = time() screenshot_time = round((end - start) * 1000) driver.quit() return discord.File(_io, f"{domain}.png"), driver_name, get_time, screenshot_time @staticmethod async def get_interface_ip_addresses() -> Dict[str, list[Dict[str, str | bool | int]]]: addresses = await asyncio.to_thread(psutil.net_if_addrs) stats = await asyncio.to_thread(psutil.net_if_stats) result = {} for key in addresses.keys(): result[key] = [] for ip_addr in addresses[key]: if ip_addr.broadcast is None: continue else: result[key].append( { "ip": ip_addr.address, "netmask": ip_addr.netmask, "broadcast": ip_addr.broadcast, "up": stats[key].isup, "speed": stats[key].speed, } ) return result async def analyse_text(self, text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: """Analyse text for positivity, negativity and neutrality.""" def inner(): try: from utils.sentiment_analysis import intensity_analyser except ImportError: return None scores = intensity_analyser.polarity_scores(text) return scores["pos"], scores["neu"], scores["neg"], scores["compound"] async with return await, inner) @staticmethod async def get_xkcd(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, n: int) -> dict | None: async with session.get("{!s}/info.0.json".format(n)) as response: if response.status == 200: data = await response.json() return data @staticmethod async def random_xkcd_number(session: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> int: async with session.get("") as response: if response.status != 302: number = random.randint(100, 999) else: number = int(response.headers["location"].split("/")[-2]) return number @staticmethod async def random_xkcd(session: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> dict | None: """Fetches a random XKCD. Basically a shorthand for random_xkcd_number and get_xkcd. """ number = await OtherCog.random_xkcd_number(session) return await OtherCog.get_xkcd(session, number) @staticmethod def get_xkcd_embed(data: dict) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed( title=data["safe_title"], description=data["alt"], color=discord.Colour.embed_background() ) embed.set_footer(text="XKCD #{!s}".format(data["num"])) embed.set_image(url=data["img"]) return embed @staticmethod async def generate_xkcd(n: int = None) -> discord.Embed: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: if n is None: data = await OtherCog.random_xkcd(session) n = data["num"] else: data = await OtherCog.get_xkcd(session, n) if data is None: return discord.Embed( title="Failed to load XKCD :(", description="Try again later.", ).set_footer(text="Attempted to retrieve XKCD #{!s}".format(n)) return OtherCog.get_xkcd_embed(data) class XKCDGalleryView(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, n: int): super().__init__(timeout=300, disable_on_timeout=True) self.n = n def __rich_repr__(self): yield "n", self.n yield "message", self.message @discord.ui.button(label="Previous", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple) async def previous_comic(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.n -= 1 await interaction.response.defer() await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=await OtherCog.generate_xkcd(self.n)) @discord.ui.button(label="Random", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple) async def random_comic(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=await OtherCog.generate_xkcd()) self.n = random.randint(1, 999) @discord.ui.button(label="Next", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple) async def next_comic(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.n += 1 await interaction.response.defer() await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=await OtherCog.generate_xkcd(self.n)) @commands.slash_command() async def xkcd(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, *, number: int = None): """Shows an XKCD comic""" embed = await self.generate_xkcd(number) view = self.XKCDGalleryView(number) return await ctx.respond(embed=embed, view=view) @commands.slash_command() async def sentiment(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, *, text: str): """Attempts to detect a text's tone""" await ctx.defer() if not text: return await ctx.respond("You need to provide some text to analyse.") result = await self.analyse_text(text) if result is None: return await ctx.edit(content="Failed to load sentiment analysis module.") embed = discord.Embed(title="Sentiment Analysis", color=discord.Colour.embed_background()) embed.add_field(name="Positive", value="{:.2%}".format(result[0])) embed.add_field(name="Neutral", value="{:.2%}".format(result[2])) embed.add_field(name="Negative", value="{:.2%}".format(result[1])) embed.add_field(name="Compound", value="{:.2%}".format(result[3])) return await ctx.edit(content=None, embed=embed) @commands.message_command(name="Detect Sentiment") async def message_sentiment(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, message: discord.Message): await ctx.defer() text = str(message.clean_content) if not text: return await ctx.respond("You need to provide some text to analyse.") await ctx.respond("Analyzing (this may take some time)...") result = await self.analyse_text(text) if result is None: return await ctx.edit(content="Failed to load sentiment analysis module.") embed = discord.Embed(title="Sentiment Analysis", color=discord.Colour.embed_background()) embed.add_field(name="Positive", value="{:.2%}".format(result[0])) embed.add_field(name="Neutral", value="{:.2%}".format(result[2])) embed.add_field(name="Negative", value="{:.2%}".format(result[1])) embed.add_field(name="Compound", value="{:.2%}".format(result[3])) embed.url = message.jump_url return await ctx.edit(content=None, embed=embed) corrupt_file = discord.SlashCommandGroup( name="corrupt-file", description="Corrupts files.", ) @corrupt_file.command(name="generate") async def generate_corrupt_file(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, file_name: str, size_in_megabytes: float): """Generates a "corrupted" file.""" limit_mb = round(ctx.guild.filesize_limit / 1024 / 1024) if size_in_megabytes > limit_mb: return await ctx.respond( f"File size must be less than {limit_mb} MB.\n" "Want to corrupt larger files? see" " (and then run `ruin `)." ) await ctx.defer() size = max(min(int(size_in_megabytes * 1024 * 1024), ctx.guild.filesize_limit), 1) file = io.BytesIO() file.write(os.urandom(size - 1024)) return await ctx.respond(file=discord.File(file, file_name)) @staticmethod def do_file_corruption(file: io.BytesIO, passes: int, bound_start: int, bound_end: int): for _ in range(passes):, bound_end)) file.write(os.urandom(random.randint(128, 2048))) return file @corrupt_file.command(name="ruin") async def ruin_corrupt_file( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, file: discord.Attachment, passes: int = 10, metadata_safety_boundary: float = 5, ): """Takes a file and corrupts parts of it""" await ctx.defer() attachment = file if attachment.size > 8388608: return await ctx.respond( "File is too large. Max size 8mb.\n" "Want to corrupt larger files? see" " (and then run `ruin `)." ) bound_pct = attachment.size * (0.01 * metadata_safety_boundary) bound_start = round(bound_pct) bound_end = round(attachment.size - bound_pct) await ctx.respond("Downloading file...") file = io.BytesIO(await await ctx.edit(content="Corrupting file...") file = await asyncio.to_thread(self.do_file_corruption, file, passes, bound_start, bound_end) await ctx.edit(content="Uploading file...") await ctx.edit(content="Here's your corrupted file!", file=discord.File(file, attachment.filename)) @commands.command(name="kys", aliases=["kill"]) @commands.is_owner() async def end_your_life(self, ctx: commands.Context): await ctx.send(":( okay") await @commands.slash_command() async def ip(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, detailed: bool = False, secure: bool = True): """Gets current IP""" if not await return await ctx.respond("Internal IP:\nExternal IP:") await ctx.defer(ephemeral=secure) ips = await self.get_interface_ip_addresses() root = Tree("IP Addresses") internal = root.add("Internal") external = root.add("External") interfaces = internal.add("Interfaces") for interface, addresses in ips.items(): interface_tree = interfaces.add(interface) for address in addresses: colour = "green" if address["up"] else "red" ip_tree = interface_tree.add( f"[{colour}]" + address["ip"] + ((" (up)" if address["up"] else " (down)") if not detailed else "") ) if detailed: ip_tree.add(f"IF Up: {'yes' if address['up'] else 'no'}") ip_tree.add(f"Netmask: {address['netmask']}") ip_tree.add(f"Broadcast: {address['broadcast']}") async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get("") as resp: external.add(await resp.text()) except aiohttp.ClientError as e: external.add(f" [red]Error: {e}") with console.capture() as capture: console.print(root) text = capture.get() paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix="```", suffix="```") for line in text.splitlines(): paginator.add_line(line) for page in paginator.pages: await ctx.respond(page, ephemeral=secure) @commands.slash_command() async def dig( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, domain: str, _type: discord.Option( str, name="type", default="A", choices=[ "A", "AAAA", "ANY", "AXFR", "CNAME", "HINFO", "LOC", "MX", "NS", "PTR", "SOA", "SRV", "TXT", ], ), ): """Looks up a domain name""" await ctx.defer() if"\s+", domain): return await ctx.respond("Domain name cannot contain spaces.") try: response = await asyncresolver.resolve( domain, _type.upper(), ) except Exception as e: return await ctx.respond(f"Error: {e}") res = response tree = Tree(f"DNS Lookup for {domain}") for record in res: record_tree = tree.add(f"{} Record") record_tree.add(f"Name: {}") record_tree.add(f"Value: {record.to_text()}") with console.capture() as capture: console.print(tree) text = capture.get() paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix="```", suffix="```") for line in text.splitlines(): paginator.add_line(line) paginator.add_line(empty=True) paginator.add_line(f"Exit code: {0}") paginator.add_line(f"DNS Server used: {res.nameserver}") for page in paginator.pages: await ctx.respond(page) @commands.slash_command() async def traceroute( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, url: str, port: discord.Option(int, description="Port to use", default=None), ping_type: discord.Option( str, name="ping-type", description="Type of ping to use. See `traceroute --help`", choices=["icmp", "tcp", "udp", "udplite", "dccp", "default"], default="default", ), use_ip_version: discord.Option( str, name="ip-version", description="IP version to use.", choices=["ipv4", "ipv6"], default="ipv4" ), max_ttl: discord.Option(int, name="ttl", description="Max number of hops", default=30), ): """Performs a traceroute request.""" await ctx.defer() if"\s+", url): return await ctx.respond("URL cannot contain spaces.") args = ["sudo", "-E", "-n", "traceroute"] flags = { "ping_type": { "icmp": "-I", "tcp": "-T", "udp": "-U", "udplite": "-UL", "dccp": "-D", }, "use_ip_version": {"ipv4": "-4", "ipv6": "-6"}, } if ping_type != "default": args.append(flags["ping_type"][ping_type]) else: args = args[3:] # removes sudo args.append(flags["use_ip_version"][use_ip_version]) args.append("-m") args.append(str(max_ttl)) if port is not None: args.append("-p") args.append(str(port)) args.append(url) paginator = commands.Paginator() paginator.add_line(f"Running command: {' '.join(args[3 if args[0] == 'sudo' else 0:])}") paginator.add_line(empty=True) try: start = time_ns() process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( args[0], *args[1:], stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) await process.wait() stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() end = time_ns() time_taken_in_ms = (end - start) / 1000000 if stdout: for line in stdout.splitlines(): paginator.add_line(line.decode()) if stderr: for line in stderr.splitlines(): paginator.add_line(line.decode()) paginator.add_line(empty=True) paginator.add_line(f"Exit code: {process.returncode}") paginator.add_line(f"Time taken: {time_taken_in_ms:,.1f}ms") except Exception as e: paginator.add_line(f"Error: {e}") for page in paginator.pages: await ctx.respond(page) @commands.slash_command() @commands.max_concurrency(1, commands.BucketType.user) @commands.cooldown(1, 30, commands.BucketType.user) async def screenshot( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, url: str, browser: discord.Option(str, description="Browser to use", choices=["chrome", "firefox"], default="chrome"), render_timeout: discord.Option(int, name="render-timeout", description="Timeout for rendering", default=3), load_timeout: discord.Option(int, name="load-timeout", description="Timeout for page load", default=60), window_height: discord.Option( int, name="window-height", description="the height of the window in pixels", default=1920 ), window_width: discord.Option( int, name="window-width", description="the width of the window in pixels", default=1080 ), capture_whole_page: discord.Option( bool, name="capture-full-page", description="(firefox only) whether to capture the full page or just the viewport.", default=False, ), ): """Takes a screenshot of a URL""" if capture_whole_page and browser != "firefox": return await ctx.respond("The capture-full-page option is only available for firefox.") window_width = max(min(1080 * 6, window_width), 1080 // 6) window_height = max(min(1920 * 6, window_height), 1920 // 6) await ctx.defer() if == 1019233057519177778 and if ctx.user.communication_disabled_until is None: await ctx.user.timeout_for(timedelta(minutes=2), reason="no") url = urlparse(url) if not url.scheme: if "/" in url.path: hostname, path = url.path.split("/", 1) else: hostname = url.path path = "" url = url._replace(scheme="http", netloc=hostname, path=path) friendly_url = textwrap.shorten(url.geturl(), 100) await ctx.edit(content=f"Preparing to screenshot <{friendly_url}>... (0%, checking filters)") async def blacklist_check() -> bool | str: async with"./assets/domains.txt") as blacklist: for ln in await blacklist.readlines(): if not ln.strip(): continue if re.match(ln.strip(), url.netloc): return "Local blacklist" return True async def dns_check() -> Optional[bool | str]: try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker for response in await asyncio.to_thread(dns.resolver.resolve, url.hostname, "A"): if response.address == "": return "DNS blacklist" except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.resolver.LifetimeTimeout, AttributeError): return "Invalid domain or DNS error" return True done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [ asyncio.create_task(blacklist_check(), name="local"), asyncio.create_task(dns_check(), name="dns"), ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) done_tasks = done try: done = done_tasks.pop() except KeyError: return await ctx.respond("Something went wrong. Try again?\n") result = await done if not result: return await ctx.edit( content="That domain is blacklisted, doesn't exist, or there was no answer from the DNS server." f" ({result!r})" ) await asyncio.sleep(1) await ctx.edit(content=f"Preparing to screenshot <{friendly_url}>... (16%, checking filters)") okay = await (pending or done_tasks).pop() if not okay: return await ctx.edit( content="That domain is blacklisted, doesn't exist, or there was no answer from the DNS server." f" ({okay!r})" ) await asyncio.sleep(1) await ctx.edit(content=f"Screenshotting {textwrap.shorten(url.geturl(), 100)}... (33%, initializing browser)") try: async with self.lock: screenshot, driver, fetch_time, screenshot_time = await self.screenshot_website( ctx, url.geturl(), browser, render_timeout, load_timeout, window_height, window_width, capture_whole_page, ) except TimeoutError: return await ctx.edit(content="Rendering screenshot timed out. Try using a smaller resolution.") except WebDriverException as e: paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix="```", suffix="```") paginator.add_line("WebDriver Error (did you pass extreme or invalid command options?)") paginator.add_line("Traceback:", empty=True) for line in e.msg.splitlines(): paginator.add_line(line) for page in paginator.pages: await ctx.respond(page) except Exception as e: console.print_exception() return await ctx.edit(content=f"Failed: {e}", delete_after=30) else: await ctx.edit(content=f"Screenshotting <{friendly_url}>... (99%, uploading image)") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await ctx.edit( content="Here's your screenshot!\n" "Details:\n" f"\\* Browser: {driver}\n" f"\\* Resolution: {window_height}x{window_width} ({window_width*window_height:,} pixels)\n" f"\\* URL: <{friendly_url}>\n" f"\\* Load time: {fetch_time:.2f}ms\n" f"\\* Screenshot render time: {screenshot_time:.2f}ms\n" f"\\* Total time: {(fetch_time + screenshot_time):.2f}ms\n" + ( '* Probability of being scat or something else horrifying: 100%' if == 1019233057519177778 else '' ), file=screenshot, ) domains = discord.SlashCommandGroup("domains", "Commands for managing domains") @domains.command(name="add") async def add_domain(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, domain: str): """Adds a domain to the blacklist""" await ctx.defer() if not await return await ctx.respond("You are not allowed to do that.") async with"./assets/domains.txt", "a") as blacklist: await blacklist.write(domain.lower() + "\n") await ctx.respond("Added domain to blacklist.") @domains.command(name="remove") async def remove_domain(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, domain: str): """Removes a domain from the blacklist""" await ctx.defer() if not await return await ctx.respond("You are not allowed to do that.") async with"./assets/domains.txt") as blacklist: lines = await blacklist.readlines() async with"./assets/domains.txt", "w") as blacklist: for line in lines: if line.strip() != domain.lower(): await blacklist.write(line) await ctx.respond("Removed domain from blacklist.") # noinspection PyTypeHints @commands.slash_command(name="yt-dl") @commands.max_concurrency(1, commands.BucketType.user) async def yt_dl( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, url: str, proxy: str = None, video_format: str = "", upload_log: bool = True ): """Downloads a video from using youtube-dl""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="jimmy-ytdl-") as tempdir: video_format = video_format.lower() OUTPUT_FILE = str(Path(tempdir) / f"{}.%(ext)s") MAX_SIZE = ctx.guild.filesize_limit / 1024 ** 2 options = [ "--no-colors", "--no-playlist", "--no-check-certificates", # "--max-filesize", str(MAX_SIZE) + "M", "--no-warnings", "--output", OUTPUT_FILE, ] if proxy: options.extend(["--proxy", proxy]) if video_format: options.extend(["--format", video_format]) await ctx.defer() await ctx.edit(content="Downloading video...") try: venv = Path.cwd() / "venv" / ("Scripts" if == "nt" else "bin") if venv: venv = venv.absolute().resolve() if str(venv) not in os.environ["PATH"]: os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + str(venv) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( "yt-dlp", url, *options, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() stdout_log = io.BytesIO(stdout) stdout_log_file = discord.File(stdout_log, filename="stdout.txt") stderr_log = io.BytesIO(stderr) stderr_log_file = discord.File(stderr_log, filename="stderr.txt") await process.wait() except FileNotFoundError: return await ctx.edit(content="Downloader not found.") if process.returncode != 0: files = [ stdout_log_file, stderr_log_file ] if b"format is not available" in stderr: process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( "yt-dlp", "-J", url, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() data = json.loads(stdout.decode()) formats = data["formats"] paginator = commands.Paginator() for fmt in formats: fs = round(fmt.get("filesize", fmt.get("fragments", [1])) / 1024 ** 2, 1) paginator.add_line( "* {0[format_id]}:\n" "\t- Encoding: {0[vcodec]} + {0[acodec]}\n" "\t- Extension: {0[ext]}\n" "\t- Protocol: {0[protocol]}\n" "\t- Resolution: {0[resolution]}\n" "\t- Size: {1!s}MB".format(fmt, fs) ) await ctx.edit(content="Invalid format. Available formats:") for page in paginator.pages: await ctx.send(page) return await ctx.send(files=files) return await ctx.edit(content=f"Download failed:\n```\n{stderr.decode()}\n```", files=files) await ctx.edit(content="Uploading video...") files = [ stdout_log_file, stderr_log_file ] if upload_log else [] for file_name in Path(tempdir).glob(f"{}.*"): stat = file_name.stat() size_mb = stat.st_size / 1024 ** 2 if size_mb > MAX_SIZE - 0.5: _x = io.BytesIO( f"File {} was too large ({size_mb:,.1f}MB vs {MAX_SIZE:.1f}MB)".encode() ) files.append(discord.File(_x, + ".txt")) try: video = discord.File(file_name, files.append(video) except FileNotFoundError: continue if not files: return await ctx.edit(content="No files found.") await ctx.edit(content="Here's your video!", files=files) @commands.slash_command(name="text-to-mp3") @commands.cooldown(5, 600, commands.BucketType.user) async def text_to_mp3( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, speed: discord.Option( int, "The speed of the voice. Default is 150.", required=False, default=150 ), voice: discord.Option( str, "The voice to use. Some may cause timeout.", autocomplete=discord.utils.basic_autocomplete(VOICES), default="default" ) ): """Converts text to MP3. 5 uses per 10 minutes.""" if voice not in VOICES: return await ctx.respond("Invalid voice.") speed = min(300, max(50, speed)) _self = self _bot = class TextModal(discord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self): super().__init__( discord.ui.InputText( label="Text", placeholder="Enter text to read", min_length=1, max_length=4000, style=discord.InputTextStyle.long ), title="Convert text to an MP3" ) async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): def _convert(text: str) -> Tuple[BytesIO, int]: tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() target_fn = Path(tmp_dir) / f"jimmy-tts-{}-{}.mp3" target_fn = str(target_fn) engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty("voice", voice) engine.setProperty("rate", speed) _io = BytesIO() engine.save_to_file(text, target_fn) engine.runAndWait() last_3_sizes = [-3, -2, -1] no_exists = 0 def should_loop(): if not os.path.exists(target_fn): nonlocal no_exists assert no_exists < 300, "File does not exist for 5 minutes." no_exists += 1 return True stat = os.stat(target_fn) for _result in last_3_sizes: if stat.st_size != _result: return True return False while should_loop(): if os.path.exists(target_fn): last_3_sizes.pop(0) last_3_sizes.append(os.stat(target_fn).st_size) sleep(1) with open(target_fn, "rb") as f: x = _io.write(x) os.remove(target_fn) return _io, len(x) await interaction.response.defer() text_pre = self.children[0].value if text_pre.startswith("url:"): _url = text_pre[4:].strip() _msg = await interaction.followup.send("Downloading text...") try: response = await _self.http.get(_url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}) if response.status_code != 200: await _msg.edit(content=f"Failed to download text. Status code: {response.status_code}") return ct = response.headers.get("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") if not ct.startswith("text/plain"): await _msg.edit(content=f"Failed to download text. Content-Type is {ct!r}, not text/plain") return text_pre = response.text except (ConnectionError, httpx.HTTPError, httpx.NetworkError) as e: await _msg.edit(content="Failed to download text. " + str(e)) return else: await _msg.edit(content="Text downloaded; Converting to MP3...") else: _msg = await interaction.followup.send("Converting text to MP3...") try: mp3, size = await _bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, _convert, text_pre) except (Exception, IOError) as e: await _msg.edit(content="failed. " + str(e)) raise e if size >= ctx.guild.filesize_limit - 1500: await _msg.edit( content=f"MP3 is too large ({size / 1024 ** 2}Mb vs " f"{ctx.guild.filesize_limit / 1024 ** 2}Mb)" ) return fn = "" _words = text_pre.split() while len(fn) < 28: try: word = _words.pop(0) except IndexError: break if len(fn) + len(word) + 1 > 28: continue fn += word + "-" fn = fn[:-1] fn = fn[:28] await _msg.edit( content="Here's your MP3!", file=discord.File(mp3, filename=fn + ".mp3") ) await ctx.send_modal(TextModal()) @commands.slash_command() @commands.cooldown(5, 10, commands.BucketType.user) @commands.max_concurrency(1, commands.BucketType.user) async def quote(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): """Generates a random quote""" await ctx.defer() try: response = await self.http.get("") except (ConnectionError, httpx.HTTPError, httpx.NetworkError) as e: return await ctx.respond("Failed to get quote. " + str(e)) if response.status_code != 200: return await ctx.respond(f"Failed to get quote. Status code: {response.status_code}") url = response.text try: response = await self.http.get(url) except (ConnectionError, httpx.HTTPError, httpx.NetworkError) as e: return await ctx.respond(url) else: if response.status_code != 200: return await ctx.respond(url) x = io.BytesIO(response.content) await ctx.respond(file=discord.File(x, filename="quote.jpg")) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(OtherCog(bot))