import random import textwrap from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Tuple import discord from discord.ext import commands from utils import Student, get_or_none, console from config import guilds try: from config import OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI except ImportError: OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = None LTR = "\N{black rightwards arrow}\U0000fe0f" RTL = "\N{leftwards black arrow}\U0000fe0f" class Events(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot # noinspection DuplicatedCode async def analyse_text(self, text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: """Analyse text for positivity, negativity and neutrality.""" def inner(): try: from utils.sentiment_analysis import intensity_analyser except ImportError: return None scores = intensity_analyser.polarity_scores(text) return scores["pos"], scores["neu"], scores["neg"], scores["compound"] async with return await, inner) @commands.Cog.listener("on_raw_reaction_add") async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload: discord.RawReactionActionEvent): channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] = if channel is not None: try: message: discord.Message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id) except discord.HTTPException: return if == if == "\N{wastebasket}\U0000fe0f": await message.delete(delay=0.5) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member: discord.Member): if member.guild is None or not in guilds: return student: Optional[Student] = await get_or_none(Student, if student and role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: == "verified", member.guild.roles) if role and role < await member.add_roles(role, reason="Verified") channel: discord.TextChannel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.text_channels, name="general") if channel and channel.can_send(): await channel.send( f"{LTR} {member.mention} (`{member}`, {f'{}' if student else 'pending verification'})" ) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member: discord.Member): if member.guild is None or not in guilds: return student: Optional[Student] = await get_or_none(Student, channel: discord.TextChannel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.text_channels, name="general") if channel and channel.can_send(): await channel.send( f"{RTL} {member.mention} (`{member}`, {f'{}' if student else 'pending verification'})" ) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): if not message.guild: return if == "pinboard": if message.type == discord.MessageType.pins_add: await message.delete(delay=0.01) else: try: await"Automatic pinboard pinning") except discord.HTTPException as e: return await message.reply(f"Failed to auto-pin: {e}", delete_after=10) elif in ("verify", "timetable") and != if await message.delete(delay=1) else: # Respond to shronk bot if == 1063875884274163732 and if "pissylicious 💦💦" in message.content: from dns import asyncresolver import httpx response = await asyncresolver.resolve("", "A") ip_info_response = await httpx.AsyncClient().get(f"{response[0].address}") if ip_info_response.status_code == 200: return await message.reply( f"Scattylicious\N{pile of poo}\N{pile of poo}\n" "IP: {0[query]}\n" "ISP: {0[isp]}\n" "Latitude: {0[lat]}\n" "Longitude: {0[lon]}\n".format( ip_info_response.json(), ) ) RESPONSES = { "Congratulations!!": "Shut up SHRoNK Bot, nobody loves you.", "You run on a Raspberry Pi... I run on a real server": "At least my server gets action, " "while yours just sits and collects dust!" } for k, v in RESPONSES.items(): if k in message.content: await message.reply("shut up", delete_after=3) await message.delete(delay=3) break # Stop responding to any bots if is True: return # Only respond if the message has content... if message.content: if # ... and we can send messages if "linux" in message.content.lower() and in message.mentions: console.log(f"Responding to {} with linux copypasta") try: with open("./copypasta.txt", "r") as f: await message.reply( except FileNotFoundError: await message.reply( "I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, " "is in fact, uh... I don't know, I forgot." ) if "carat" in message.content.lower(): file = discord.File(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "carat.jpg") await message.reply(file=file) if message.reference is not None and message.reference.cached_message is not None: if message.content.lower().strip() in ("what", "what?"): text = "{} said %r, you deaf sod.".format( message.reference.cached_message ) _content = textwrap.shorten( text % message.reference.cached_message.content, width=2000, placeholder="[...]" ) await message.reply(_content) if if "mpreg" in message.content.lower() or "\U0001fac3" in message.content.lower(): try: await message.add_reaction("\U0001fac3") except discord.HTTPException as e: console.log("Failed to add mpreg reaction:", e) if "lupupa" in message.content.lower(): try: await message.add_reaction("\U0001fac3") except discord.HTTPException as e: console.log("Failed to add mpreg reaction:", e) is_naus = random.randint(1, 100) == 32 if in message.mentions or == 1032974266527907901 or is_naus: T_EMOJI = "\U0001f3f3\U0000fe0f\U0000200d\U000026a7\U0000fe0f" G_EMOJI = "\U0001f3f3\U0000fe0f\U0000200d\U0001f308" N_EMOJI = "\U0001f922" C_EMOJI = "\U0000271d\U0000fe0f" if any((x in message.content.lower() for x in ("trans", T_EMOJI, "femboy"))) or is_naus: try: await message.add_reaction(N_EMOJI) except discord.HTTPException as e: console.log("Failed to add trans reaction:", e) if "gay" in message.content.lower() or G_EMOJI in message.content.lower(): try: await message.add_reaction(C_EMOJI) except discord.HTTPException as e: console.log("Failed to add gay reaction:", e) if in message.mentions: if message.content.startswith( if message.content.lower().endswith("bot"): pos, neut, neg, _ = await self.analyse_text(message.content) if pos > neg: embed = discord.Embed(description=":D", embed.set_footer( text=f"Pos: {pos*100:.2f}% | Neutral: {neut*100:.2f}% | Neg: {neg*100:.2f}%" ) elif pos == neg: embed = discord.Embed(description=":|", color=discord.Color.greyple()) embed.set_footer( text=f"Pos: {pos * 100:.2f}% | Neutral: {neut * 100:.2f}% | Neg: {neg * 100:.2f}%" ) else: embed = discord.Embed(description=":(", embed.set_footer( text=f"Pos: {pos*100:.2f}% | Neutral: {neut*100:.2f}% | Neg: {neg*100:.2f}%" ) return await message.reply(embed=embed) if message.content.lower().endswith( ( "when is the year of the linux desktop?", "year of the linux desktop?", "year of the linux desktop", ) ): date = discord.utils.utcnow() # date = date.replace(year=date.year + 1) return await message.reply(date.strftime("%Y") + " will be the year of the GNU+Linux desktop.") if message.content.lower().endswith("fuck you"): student = await get_or_none(Student, if student is None: return await message.reply("You aren't even verified...", delete_after=10) elif student.ip_info is None: if OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: return await message.reply( f"Let me see who you are, and then we'll talk... <{OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI}>", delete_after=30 ) else: return await message.reply( "I literally don't even know who you are...", delete_after=10 ) else: ip = student.ip_info is_proxy = ip.get("proxy") if is_proxy is None: is_proxy = "?" else: is_proxy = "\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}" if is_proxy else "\N{CROSS MARK}" is_hosting = ip.get("hosting") if is_hosting is None: is_hosting = "?" else: is_hosting = "\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}" if is_hosting else "\N{CROSS MARK}" return await message.reply( "Nice argument, however,\n" "IP: {0[query]}\n" "ISP: {0[isp]}\n" "Latitude: {0[lat]}\n" "Longitude: {0[lon]}\n" "Proxy server: {1}\n" "VPS (or other hosting) provider: {2}\n\n" "\N{smiling face with sunglasses}".format( ip, is_proxy, is_hosting ), delete_after=30 ) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Events(bot))