import datetime import os import sys import uuid from enum import IntEnum, auto from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, TypeVar import discord import orm from databases import Database class Tutors(IntEnum): JAY = auto() ZACH = auto() IAN = auto() REBECCA = auto() LUPUPA = auto() OTHER = -1 # not auto() because if we add more it could mess things up. os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent.parent) __all__ = [ "registry", "get_or_none", "VerifyCode", "Student", "BannedStudentID", "Assignments", "Tutors", "UptimeEntry", "JimmyBans", ] T = TypeVar("T") T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True) if Path("/data").exists(): _pth = "/data/main.db" try: Path(_pth).touch() except PermissionError as e: print("Failed to create database:", e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: _pth = "/main.db" registry = orm.ModelRegistry(Database("sqlite://" + _pth)) async def get_or_none(model: T, **kw) -> Optional[T_co]: """Returns none or the required thing.""" try: return await model.objects.get(**kw) except orm.NoMatch: return class VerifyCode(orm.Model): registry = registry tablename = "codes" fields = { "id": orm.Integer(primary_key=True), "code": orm.String(min_length=8, max_length=64, unique=True), "bind": orm.BigInteger(), "student_id": orm.String(min_length=7, max_length=7), "name": orm.String(min_length=2, max_length=32), } if TYPE_CHECKING: id: int code: str bind: int student_id: str name: str class Student(orm.Model): registry = registry tablename = "students" fields = { "entry_id": orm.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4), "id": orm.String(min_length=7, max_length=7, unique=True), "user_id": orm.BigInteger(unique=True), "name": orm.String(min_length=2, max_length=32), "access_token": orm.String(min_length=6, max_length=128, default=None, allow_null=True), "ip_info": orm.JSON(default=None, allow_null=True), "access_token_hash": orm.String(min_length=128, max_length=128, default=None, allow_null=True), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: uuid.UUID id: str user_id: int name: str access_token: str | None ip_info: dict | None access_token_hash: str | None class BannedStudentID(orm.Model): registry = registry tablename = "banned" fields = { "entry_id": orm.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4), "student_id": orm.String(min_length=7, max_length=7, unique=True), "associated_account": orm.BigInteger(default=None), "banned_at_timestamp": orm.Float(default=lambda: datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: uuid.UUID student_id: str associated_account: Optional[int] banned_at_timestamp: float class Assignments(orm.Model): registry = registry fields = { "entry_id": orm.Integer(primary_key=True, default=None), "created_by": orm.ForeignKey(Student, allow_null=True), "title": orm.String(min_length=2, max_length=2000), "classroom": orm.URL(allow_null=True, default=None, max_length=4096), "shared_doc": orm.URL(allow_null=True, default=None, max_length=4096), "created_at": orm.Float(default=lambda:, "due_by": orm.Float(), "tutor": orm.Enum(Tutors), "reminders": orm.JSON(default=[]), "finished": orm.Boolean(default=False), "submitted": orm.Boolean(default=False), "assignees": orm.JSON(default=[]), # "description": orm.Text(min_length=2, max_length=2000, allow_null=True, default=None), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: int created_by: Student title: str classroom: Optional[str] shared_doc: Optional[str] created_at: float due_by: float tutor: Tutors reminders: list[str] finished: bool submitted: bool assignees: list[int] # description: Optional[str] class StarBoardMessage(orm.Model): tablename = "starboard" registry = registry fields = { "entry_id": orm.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4), "id": orm.BigInteger(unique=True), "channel": orm.BigInteger(), "starboard_message": orm.BigInteger(default=None, allow_null=True), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: uuid.UUID id: int channel: int starboard_message: int | None class UptimeEntry(orm.Model): tablename = "uptime" registry = registry fields = { "entry_id": orm.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4), "target_id": orm.String(min_length=2, max_length=128), "target": orm.String(min_length=2, max_length=128), "is_up": orm.Boolean(), "timestamp": orm.Float(default=lambda: datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()), "response_time": orm.Integer(allow_null=True), "notes": orm.Text(allow_null=True, default=None), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: uuid.UUID target_id: str target: str is_up: bool timestamp: float response_time: int | None notes: str | None class JimmyBans(orm.Model): tablename = "jimmy_bans" registry = registry fields = { "entry_id": orm.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4), "user_id": orm.BigInteger(), "reason": orm.Text(allow_null=True, default=None), "timestamp": orm.Float(default=lambda: datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()), "until": orm.Float(), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: uuid.UUID user_id: int reason: str | None timestamp: float until: float | None class AccessTokens(orm.Model): tablename = "access_tokens" registry = registry fields = { "entry_id": orm.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4), "user_id": orm.BigInteger(unique=True), "access_token": orm.String(min_length=6, max_length=128), "expires": orm.Float(default=lambda: discord.utils.utcnow().timestamp() + 604800), "ip_info": orm.JSON(default=None, allow_null=True), } if TYPE_CHECKING: entry_id: uuid.UUID user_id: int access_token: str ip_info: dict | None