# You have been warned - this file is very EXTREME! import asyncio import io from functools import partial from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse import blend_modes import discord import numpy import PIL.Image import PIL.ImageSequence from discord.ext import commands def resize_gif(img: PIL.Image.Image, width: int, height: int) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Resizes a gif properly""" new_frames = [] for frame in PIL.ImageSequence.Iterator(img): frame: PIL.Image.Image = frame.copy() frame = frame.resize((width, height)) new_frames.append(frame) _bio = io.BytesIO() new_frames[0].save(_bio, "GIF", save_all=True, append_images=new_frames[1:]) return PIL.Image.open(_bio).convert("RGBA") def _overlay_images( background: PIL.Image.Image, foreground: PIL.Image.Image, mode=blend_modes.overlay, opacity: float = 1.0 ) -> PIL.Image.Image: # background = background.convert("RGBA") # foreground = foreground.convert("RGBA") background.load() foreground.load() background_img = numpy.array(background) background_img_float = background_img.astype(float) foreground_img = numpy.array(foreground) foreground_img_float = foreground_img.astype(float) blended_img_float = mode(background_img_float, foreground_img_float, opacity) blended_img = numpy.uint8(blended_img_float) return PIL.Image.fromarray(blended_img) def _overlay_gif(background: PIL.Image.Image, foreground: PIL.Image.Image) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Overlays a GIF onto a static background""" background = background.convert("RGBA") frames = [] for frame in PIL.ImageSequence.Iterator(foreground): bg = background.copy() bg.paste(frame, mask=frame) frames.append(bg) # Save it as a GIF and return it as a PIL image _io = io.BytesIO() frames[0].save(_io, format="gif", save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:]) _io.seek(0) return PIL.Image.open(_io) def overlay_logo(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Overlay the logo on an image.""" # clone the image img = img.copy() logo = PIL.Image.open("assets/extreme.png") logo.convert("RGBA") logo.load() logo = logo.resize((1024, 1024)) img = img.resize((1024, 1024)) img = _overlay_images(img, logo, blend_modes.lighten_only, 1) return img def overlay_purple(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Overlay the purple on an image.""" # purple_overlay_rgb = 0x440099 purple_overlay_rgba = (68, 0, 153) # Create the overlay image overlay = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", img.size, purple_overlay_rgba) # resize to 1024x1024 img = img.copy().resize((1024, 1024)) overlay = overlay.resize((1024, 1024)) img = _overlay_images(img, overlay) return img def make_circle(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Makes an image a circle""" # clone the image img = img.copy() # Create a mask mask = PIL.Image.new("L", img.size, 0) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.ellipse((0, 0) + img.size, fill=255) # Apply the mask img.putalpha(mask) return img def extremify(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Apply the EXTREME effect to an image.""" img = overlay_purple(img) img = overlay_logo(img) return img class Extremism(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot @commands.slash_command(name="radicalise") async def radicalise(self, ctx, image: discord.Attachment = None, user: discord.User = None): """Makes an image extremely radical.""" if image is None: if user is None: user = ctx.author image = user.avatar.with_format("png") else: if not image.content_type.startswith("image/"): await ctx.send("That's not an image!") return await ctx.defer() # Download the image _img_bytes = await image.read() # Open the image img = PIL.Image.open(io.BytesIO(_img_bytes)) # Apply the EXTREME effect img = await asyncio.to_thread(extremify, img) # Save the image img_bytes = io.BytesIO() img.save(img_bytes, format="PNG") img_bytes.seek(0) # Send the image await ctx.respond(file=discord.File(img_bytes, filename="extreme.png")) @commands.slash_command(name="decorate") async def decorate( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, decoration_url: str, user: discord.User = None, # animated: bool = True ): """Decorates an avatar with a decoration.""" if user is None: user = ctx.user # Download the image await ctx.defer() _img_bytes = await user.display_avatar.with_format("png").read() img_bio = io.BytesIO(_img_bytes) img = PIL.Image.open(img_bio) # Parse the URL and get the highest resolution possible query = parse_qs(urlparse(decoration_url).query) if "size" in query: size = int(query["size"][0]) else: size = 640 size = min(640, max(160, size)) decoration_url = urlparse(decoration_url)._replace( query="?size={!s}&passthrough=true".format(size) ).geturl() # Download the decoration try: _decoration_bytes = await self.bot.http.get_from_cdn(decoration_url) decoration_bio = io.BytesIO(_decoration_bytes) decoration = PIL.Image.open(decoration_bio) except discord.Forbidden: return await ctx.respond("Failed to download the decoration (403).") except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.respond("Failed to download the decoration (404).") # Resize the decoration to the avatar size # decoration = await asyncio.to_thread( # partial(resize_gif, decoration, img.width, img.height) # ) decoration = decoration.resize((img.width, img.height)) # Apply the decoration new = await asyncio.to_thread(partial(_overlay_gif, img, decoration)) # Save the image img_bytes = io.BytesIO() ext = "png" new.save(img_bytes, format=ext) img_bytes.seek(0) # Send the image img_bio.seek(0) decoration_bio.seek(0) files = [ # discord.File(img_bio, "avatar.png"), # discord.File(decoration_bio, "decoration.png"), discord.File(img_bytes, filename="decorated." + ext) ] await ctx.respond( files=files ) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Extremism(bot))