import asyncio import sys import logging import textwrap from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from rich.logging import RichHandler import config import discord from discord.ext import commands from utils import JimmyBanException, JimmyBans, console, get_or_none from utils.client import bot logging.basicConfig( filename=getattr(config, "LOG_FILE", "jimmy.log"), filemode=getattr(config, "LOG_MODE", "a"), format="%(asctime)s:%(level)s:%(name)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M", level=getattr(config, "LOG_LEVEL", logging.INFO) ) # echo to stdout handler = RichHandler(getattr(config, "LOG_LEVEL", logging.INFO), console=console, markup=True) logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) @bot.listen() async def on_connect():"[green]Connected to discord!") @bot.listen("on_application_command_error") async def on_application_command_error(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, error: Exception): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): now = discord.utils.utcnow() now += timedelta(seconds=error.retry_after) return await ctx.respond( f"\N{stopwatch} This command is on cooldown. You can use this command again " f"{discord.utils.format_dt(now, 'R')}.", delete_after=error.retry_after, ) elif isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): return await ctx.respond( f"\N{warning sign} This command is already running. Please wait for it to finish.", ephemeral=True, ) elif isinstance(error, JimmyBanException): return await ctx.respond(str(error)) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandError): if error.args and error.args[0] == "User not connected to a voice channel.": return if == 1019233057519177778: await ctx.respond("Uh oh! I did a fucky wucky >.< I'll make sure to let important peoplez know straight away!!") else: text = "Application Command Error: `%r`" % error await ctx.respond(textwrap.shorten(text, 2000)) raise error @bot.listen("on_command_error") async def on_command_error(ctx: commands.Context, error: Exception): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif isinstance(error, JimmyBanException): return await ctx.reply(str(error)) await ctx.reply(textwrap.shorten("Command Error: `%r`" % error, 2000)) raise error @bot.listen("on_application_command") async def on_application_command(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): "{} ({}) used application command /{0.command.qualified_name} in " "[blue]#{}[/], {0.guild}".format(ctx) ) @bot.event async def on_ready():"(READY) Logged in as", bot.user) if getattr(config, "CONNECT_MODE", None) == 1: bot.log.critical("Bot is now ready and exit target 1 is set, shutting down.") await bot.close() sys.exit(0) @bot.slash_command() async def ping(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection """Checks the bot's response time""" gateway = round( * 1000, 2) return await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Pong! `{gateway}ms`.") @bot.check_once async def check_not_banned(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext | commands.Context): if await bot.is_owner( or in ("block", "unblock", "timetable", "verify", "kys"): return True user = ban: JimmyBans = await get_or_none(JimmyBans, if ban: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ban.until, timezone.utc) if dt < discord.utils.utcnow(): await ban.delete() else: raise JimmyBanException(dt, ban.reason) return True if __name__ == "__main__":"Starting...") bot.started_at = discord.utils.utcnow() if getattr(config, "WEB_SERVER", True):"Web server is enabled (WEB_SERVER=True in, initialising.") import uvicorn from web.server import app = bot http_config = uvicorn.Config( app, host=getattr(config, "HTTP_HOST", ""), port=getattr(config, "HTTP_PORT", 3762), **getattr(config, "UVICORN_CONFIG", {}), )"Web server will listen on %s:%s",, http_config.port) server = uvicorn.Server(http_config)"Starting web server...") loop = bot.loop http_server_task = loop.create_task(server.serve()) bot.web = { "server": server, "config": http_config, "task": http_server_task, }"Beginning main loop.")