import random import re import secrets import typing from datetime import datetime, timedelta import discord import orm from discord.ui import View from utils import BannedStudentID, Student, VerifyCode, console, get_or_none TOKEN_LENGTH = 16 if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from cogs.timetable import TimeTableCog class VerifyView(View): def __init__(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): self.ctx = ctx super().__init__(timeout=300, disable_on_timeout=True) @discord.ui.button(label="I have a verification code!", emoji="\U0001f4e7", custom_id="have") async def have(self, _, interaction1: discord.Interaction): class Modal(discord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self): super().__init__( discord.ui.InputText( custom_id="code", label="Verification Code", placeholder="e.g: " + secrets.token_hex(TOKEN_LENGTH), min_length=TOKEN_LENGTH * 2, max_length=TOKEN_LENGTH * 2, ), title="Enter the verification code in your inbox", ) async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() code = self.children[0].value if not code: # timed out self.stop() return else: try: existing: VerifyCode = await VerifyCode.objects.get(code=code) except orm.NoMatch: self.stop() return await interaction.followup.send( "\N{cross mark} Invalid or unknown verification code. Try again!", ephemeral=True ) else: ban = await get_or_none(BannedStudentID, student_id=existing.student_id) if ban is not None: self.stop() return await interaction.user.kick( reason=f"Attempted to verify with banned student ID {ban.student_id}" f" (originally associated with account {ban.associated_account})" ) await Student.objects.create( id=existing.student_id,, ) await existing.delete() role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: == "verified", interaction.guild.roles) member = await interaction.guild.fetch_member( if role and role < await member.add_roles(role, reason="Verified") try: await member.edit(nick=f"{}", reason="Verified") except discord.HTTPException: pass console.log(f"[green]{interaction.user} verified ({}/{existing.student_id})") self.stop() return await interaction.followup.send( "\N{white heavy check mark} Verification complete!", ephemeral=True ) await interaction1.response.send_modal(Modal()) self.disable_all_items() await interaction1.edit_original_response(view=self) await interaction1.delete_original_response(delay=1) @discord.ui.button(label="Send me a verification code.", emoji="\U0001f4e5") async def send(self, btn: discord.ui.Button, interaction1: discord.Interaction): class Modal(discord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self): super().__init__( discord.ui.InputText( custom_id="student_id", label="What is your student ID", placeholder="B...", min_length=7, max_length=7, ), discord.ui.InputText( custom_id="name", label="What is your name?", placeholder="Nicknames are okay too.", min_length=2, max_length=32, ), title="Enter your student ID number", timeout=120, ) async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() st = self.children[0].value.strip() if not st: # timed out return if not re.match(r"^B\d{6}$", st): btn.disabled = False return await interaction.followup.send( "\N{cross mark} Invalid student ID - Failed to verify with regex." " Please try again with a valid student ID. Make sure it is formatted as `BXXXXXX` " "(e.g. `B{}`)".format("".join(str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(6))), delete_after=60, ) ex = await get_or_none(Student, id=st) if ex: btn.disabled = False return await interaction.followup.send( "\N{cross mark} Student ID is already associated.", delete_after=60 ) try: # _code = await send_verification_code(interaction.user, st) raise RuntimeError("Disabled.") except Exception as e: return await interaction.followup.send(f"\N{cross mark} Failed to send email - {e}. Try again?") console.log(f"Sending verification email to {interaction.user} ({}/{st})...") name = self.children[1].value __code = await VerifyCode.objects.create(code=_code,, student_id=st, name=name) console.log( f"[green]Sent verification email to {interaction.user} ({}/{st}): " f"{_code!r}" ) await interaction.followup.send( "\N{white heavy check mark} Verification email sent to your college email " f"({st}\n" f"Once you get that email, copy the long hexadecimal code, and come back here, then press " f"'I have a code'.\n\n" f">>> If you don't know how to access your email, go to , then " f"sign in as `{st}` (notice there's no `my.` " f"prefix to sign into gmail), and you should be greeted by your inbox. The default password " f"is your birthday, !, and the first three letters of your first or last name" f" (for example, `John Doe`, born on the 1st of february 2006, would be either " f"`01022006!Joh` or `01022006!Doe`).", ephemeral=True, ) modal = Modal() await interaction1.response.send_modal(modal) btn.disabled = True await interaction1.edit_original_response(view=self) await modal.wait() await interaction1.edit_original_response(view=self) @discord.ui.button(label="Why do I need a verification code?", emoji="\U0001f616") async def why(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=True) await interaction.followup.send( "In order to access this server, you need to enter your student ID.\n" "We require this to make sure only **students** in our course can access the server.\n" "Your B number (student ID) is found on your ID card (the one you use to scan into the building).\n" "This is not invading your privacy, your B number is publicly visible, as it is the start of your email," " plus can be found on google chat.", ephemeral=True, delete_after=60, ) class TimeTableDaySwitcherView(View): def mod_date(self, by: int): self.current_date += timedelta(days=by) self.update_buttons() def update_buttons(self): def _format(d: datetime) -> str: return d.strftime("(%A) %d/%m/%Y") day_before = self.current_date + timedelta(days=-1) day_after = self.current_date + timedelta(days=1) for child in self.children: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if child.custom_id == "day_before": child.label = _format(day_before) elif child.custom_id == "day_after": child.label = _format(day_after) else: child.label = _format(self.current_date) async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool: return interaction.user == self.user @discord.ui.button(custom_id="day_before", emoji="\N{leftwards black arrow}") async def day_before(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.mod_date(-1) await interaction.response.edit_message(content=self.cog.format_timetable_message(self.current_date), view=self) @discord.ui.button(custom_id="custom_day", emoji="\N{tear-off calendar}", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def current_day(self, _, interaction1: discord.Interaction): self1 = self class InputModal(discord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self): super().__init__( discord.ui.InputText( label="Date", placeholder="DD/MM/YY", min_length=6, max_length=8, required=True, ), title="Date to view timetable of:", ) async def callback(self, interaction2: discord.Interaction): try: self1.current_date = datetime.strptime(self.children[0].value, "%d/%m/%y") except ValueError: await interaction2.response.send_message("Invalid date", ephemeral=True) else: self1.update_buttons() await interaction2.response.edit_message( content=self1.cog.format_timetable_message(self1.current_date), view=self1 ) return await interaction1.response.send_modal(InputModal()) @discord.ui.button(custom_id="day_after", emoji="\N{black rightwards arrow}") async def day_after(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.mod_date(1) await interaction.response.edit_message(content=self.cog.format_timetable_message(self.current_date), view=self) def __init__(self, user: discord.User, instance: "TimeTableCog", date: datetime): super().__init__(disable_on_timeout=True) self.user = user self.cog = instance self.current_date = date class SelectAssigneesView(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.users = [] @discord.ui.user_select(placeholder="Select some people...", min_values=0, max_values=20) async def select_users(self, select: discord.ui.Select, interaction2: discord.Interaction): await interaction2.response.defer() self.disable_all_items() self.users = select.values await interaction2.edit_original_response(view=self) self.stop() @discord.ui.button(label="skip", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def skip(self, _, interaction2: discord.Interaction): await interaction2.response.defer() self.disable_all_items() await interaction2.edit_original_response(view=self) self.stop()