import asyncio import io import os import time from typing import Tuple, Optional import discord import aiohttp import random from discord.ext import commands # noinspection DuplicatedCode class OtherCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot async def analyse_text(self, text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: """Analyse text for positivity, negativity and neutrality.""" def inner(): try: from utils.sentiment_analysis import intensity_analyser except ImportError: return None scores = intensity_analyser.polarity_scores(text) return scores["pos"], scores["neu"], scores["neg"], scores["compound"] async with return await, inner) @staticmethod async def get_xkcd(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, n: int) -> dict | None: async with session.get("{!s}/info.0.json".format(n)) as response: if response.status == 200: data = await response.json() return data @staticmethod async def random_xkcd_number(session: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> int: async with session.get("") as response: if response.status != 302: number = random.randint(100, 999) else: number = int(response.headers["location"].split("/")[-2]) return number @staticmethod async def random_xkcd(session: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> dict | None: """Fetches a random XKCD. Basically a shorthand for random_xkcd_number and get_xkcd. """ number = await OtherCog.random_xkcd_number(session) return await OtherCog.get_xkcd(session, number) @staticmethod def get_xkcd_embed(data: dict) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed( title=data["safe_title"], description=data["alt"], color=discord.Colour.embed_background() ) embed.set_footer(text="XKCD #{!s}".format(data["num"])) embed.set_image(url=data["img"]) return embed @staticmethod async def generate_xkcd(n: int = None) -> discord.Embed: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: if n is None: data = await OtherCog.random_xkcd(session) n = data["num"] else: data = await OtherCog.get_xkcd(session, n) if data is None: return discord.Embed( title="Failed to load XKCD :(", description="Try again later.", ).set_footer(text="Attempted to retrieve XKCD #{!s}".format(n)) return OtherCog.get_xkcd_embed(data) class XKCDGalleryView(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, n: int): super().__init__(timeout=300, disable_on_timeout=True) self.n = n def __rich_repr__(self): yield "n", self.n yield "message", self.message @discord.ui.button(label="Previous", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple) async def previous_comic(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.n -= 1 await interaction.response.defer() await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=await OtherCog.generate_xkcd(self.n)) @discord.ui.button(label="Random", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple) async def random_comic(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=await OtherCog.generate_xkcd()) self.n = random.randint(1, 999) @discord.ui.button(label="Next", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple) async def next_comic(self, _, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.n += 1 await interaction.response.defer() await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=await OtherCog.generate_xkcd(self.n)) @commands.slash_command() async def xkcd(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, *, number: int = None): """Shows an XKCD comic""" embed = await self.generate_xkcd(number) view = self.XKCDGalleryView(number) return await ctx.respond(embed=embed, view=view) @commands.slash_command() async def sentiment(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, *, text: str): """Attempts to detect a text's tone""" await ctx.defer() if not text: return await ctx.respond("You need to provide some text to analyse.") result = await self.analyse_text(text) if result is None: return await ctx.edit(content="Failed to load sentiment analysis module.") embed = discord.Embed(title="Sentiment Analysis", color=discord.Colour.embed_background()) embed.add_field(name="Positive", value="{:.2%}".format(result[0])) embed.add_field(name="Neutral", value="{:.2%}".format(result[2])) embed.add_field(name="Negative", value="{:.2%}".format(result[1])) embed.add_field(name="Compound", value="{:.2%}".format(result[3])) return await ctx.edit(content=None, embed=embed) @commands.message_command(name="Detect Sentiment") async def message_sentiment(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, message: discord.Message): await ctx.defer() text = str(message.clean_content) if not text: return await ctx.respond("You need to provide some text to analyse.") await ctx.respond("Analyzing (this may take some time)...") result = await self.analyse_text(text) if result is None: return await ctx.edit(content="Failed to load sentiment analysis module.") embed = discord.Embed(title="Sentiment Analysis", color=discord.Colour.embed_background()) embed.add_field(name="Positive", value="{:.2%}".format(result[0])) embed.add_field(name="Neutral", value="{:.2%}".format(result[2])) embed.add_field(name="Negative", value="{:.2%}".format(result[1])) embed.add_field(name="Compound", value="{:.2%}".format(result[3])) embed.url = message.jump_url return await ctx.edit(content=None, embed=embed) corrupt_file = discord.SlashCommandGroup( name="corrupt-file", description="Corrupts files.", ) @corrupt_file.command(name="generate") async def generate_corrupt_file(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, file_name: str, size_in_megabytes: float): """Generates a "corrupted" file.""" limit_mb = round(ctx.guild.filesize_limit / 1024 / 1024) if size_in_megabytes > limit_mb: return await ctx.respond( f"File size must be less than {limit_mb} MB.\n" "Want to corrupt larger files? see" " (and then run `ruin `)." ) await ctx.defer() size = max(min(int(size_in_megabytes * 1024 * 1024), ctx.guild.filesize_limit), 1) file = io.BytesIO() file.write(os.urandom(size - 1024)) return await ctx.respond(file=discord.File(file, file_name)) @staticmethod def do_file_corruption(file: io.BytesIO, passes: int, bound_start: int, bound_end: int): for _ in range(passes):, bound_end)) file.write(os.urandom(random.randint(128, 2048))) return file @corrupt_file.command(name="ruin") async def ruin_corrupt_file( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, file: discord.Attachment, passes: int = 10, metadata_safety_boundary: float = 5, ): """Takes a file and corrupts parts of it""" await ctx.defer() attachment = file if attachment.size > 8388608: return await ctx.respond( "File is too large. Max size 8mb.\n" "Want to corrupt larger files? see" " (and then run `ruin `)." ) bound_pct = attachment.size * (0.01 * metadata_safety_boundary) bound_start = round(bound_pct) bound_end = round(attachment.size - bound_pct) await ctx.respond("Downloading file...") file = io.BytesIO(await await ctx.edit(content="Corrupting file...") file = await asyncio.to_thread(self.do_file_corruption, file, passes, bound_start, bound_end) await ctx.edit(content="Uploading file...") await ctx.edit(content="Here's your corrupted file!", file=discord.File(file, attachment.filename)) @commands.command(name="kys", aliases=['kill']) @commands.is_owner() async def end_your_life(self, ctx: commands.Context): await ctx.send(":( okay") await def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(OtherCog(bot))