import asyncio import sys import discord from discord.ext import commands import config from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta from utils import console, get_or_none, JimmyBans, JimmyBanException from utils.client import bot @bot.listen() async def on_connect(): console.log("[green]Connected to discord!") @bot.listen("on_application_command_error") async def on_application_command_error(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, error: Exception): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): now = discord.utils.utcnow() now += timedelta(seconds=error.retry_after) return await ctx.respond( f"\N{stopwatch} This command is on cooldown. You can use this command again " f"{discord.utils.format_dt(now, 'R')}.", delete_after=error.retry_after, ) elif isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): return await ctx.respond( f"\N{warning sign} This command is already running. Please wait for it to finish.", ephemeral=True, ) elif isinstance(error, JimmyBanException): return await ctx.respond(str(error)) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandError): if error.args and error.args[0] == "User not connected to a voice channel.": return await ctx.respond("Application Command Error: `%r`" % error) raise error @bot.listen("on_command_error") async def on_command_error(ctx: commands.Context, error: Exception): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif isinstance(error, JimmyBanException): return await ctx.reply(str(error)) await ctx.reply("Command Error: `%r`" % error) raise error @bot.listen("on_application_command") async def on_application_command(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): console.log( "{} ({}) used application command /{0.command.qualified_name} in " "[blue]#{}[/], {0.guild}".format(ctx) ) @bot.event async def on_ready(): console.log("Logged in as", bot.user) if getattr(config, "CONNECT_MODE", None) == 1: console.log("Bot is now ready and exit target 1 is set, shutting down.") await bot.close() sys.exit(0) @bot.slash_command() async def ping(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext): # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection """Checks the bot's response time""" gateway = round( * 1000, 2) return await ctx.respond(f"\N{white heavy check mark} Pong! `{gateway}ms`.") @bot.check_once async def check_not_banned(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext | commands.Context): if await bot.is_owner( or in ("block", "unblock", "timetable", "verify", "kys"): return True user = ban: JimmyBans = await get_or_none(JimmyBans, if ban: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ban.until, timezone.utc) if dt < discord.utils.utcnow(): await ban.delete() else: raise JimmyBanException(dt, ban.reason) return True if __name__ == "__main__": console.log("Starting...") bot.started_at = discord.utils.utcnow() if getattr(config, "WEB_SERVER", True): from web.server import app import uvicorn = bot http_config = uvicorn.Config( app, host=getattr(config, "HTTP_HOST", ""), port=getattr(config, "HTTP_PORT", 3762), loop="asyncio", **getattr(config, "UVICORN_CONFIG", {}) ) server = uvicorn.Server(http_config) console.log("Starting web server...") loop = bot.loop http_server_task = loop.create_task(server.serve()) bot.web = { "server": server, "config": http_config, "task": http_server_task, }