# auto-configuration for docker that pulls from environment variables # This format is very limited and environment variables were ditched very early on in favor of a config file # Do feel free to overwrite this file and re-build the docker image - this is effectively a stub. import os import datetime # A few defaults that can't be set in the environment reminders = { "1 week": 806400, "2 days": 86400 * 2, "1 day": 86400, "6pm": datetime.time(18, 0, 0, 0), "3 hours": 3600 * 3, } CONNECT_MODE = 0 # this cannot be changed because who's debugging using the docker container dev = 0 if os.getenv("GUILDS") is not None: guilds = [int(x) for x in os.getenv("GUILDS").split(",")] else: guilds = [] email = os.getenv("EMAIL") email_password = os.getenv("EMAIL_PASSWORD") lupupa_warning = bool(int(os.getenv("LUPUPA_WARNING", "1"))) OAUTH_ID = os.getenv("OAUTH_ID") OAUTH_SECRET = os.getenv("OAUTH_SECRET") OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = os.getenv("OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI") HTTP_HOST = os.getenv("HTTP_HOST", "") HTTP_PORT = int(os.getenv("HTTP_PORT", "3762")) WEB_SERVER = bool(int(os.getenv("WEB_SERVER", "1"))) assert os.getenv("token"), "$token environment variable not set" token = os.environ["token"]