import asyncio from typing import Optional, Union, Dict import discord from discord.ext import commands, tasks import json from pathlib import Path from utils import console from datetime import time, datetime, timedelta def schedule_times(): times = [] for h in range(24): for m in range(0, 60, 15): times.append(time(h, m, 0)) return times class TimeTableCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot with (Path.cwd() / "utils" / "timetable.json").open() as file: self.timetable = json.load(file) self.update_status.start() def are_on_break(self, date: datetime = None) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, datetime]]]: """Checks if the date is one as a term break""" date = date or # That description made no sense what for name, dates in self.timetable["breaks"].items(): start_date = datetime.strptime(dates["start"], "%d/%m/%Y") end_date = datetime.strptime(dates["end"], "%d/%m/%Y") if date.timestamp() <= end_date.timestamp() and date.timestamp() >= start_date.timestamp(): return { "name": name, "start": start_date, "end": end_date } def cog_unload(self): self.update_status.stop() def current_lesson(self, date: datetime = None) -> Optional[dict]: date = date or lessons = self.timetable.get(date.strftime("%A").lower(), []) if not lessons: return for lesson in lessons: now = date.time() start_time = time(*lesson["start"]) end_time = time(*lesson["end"]) if now >= end_time: continue elif now < start_time: continue else: # We are now currently actively in the lesson. lesson = lesson.copy() end_datetime = date.replace(hour=end_time.hour, minute=end_time.minute) lesson["end"] = end_time lesson["start"] = start_time lesson["end_datetime"] = end_datetime return lesson def next_lesson(self, date: datetime = None) -> Optional[dict]: date = date or lessons = self.timetable.get(date.strftime("%A").lower(), []).copy() if not lessons: return for lesson in lessons: now = date.time() start_time = time(*lesson["start"]) end_time = time(*lesson["end"]) if now > end_time: continue elif now < start_time: lesson = lesson.copy() end_datetime = date.replace(hour=start_time.hour, minute=start_time.minute) lesson["end"] = end_time lesson["start"] = start_time lesson["start_datetime"] = end_datetime return lesson def absolute_next_lesson(self, date: datetime = None, *, new_method: bool = False) -> dict: lesson = None date = date or if new_method is True: # Check if there's another lesson today lesson = self.next_lesson(date) # If there's another lesson, great, return that # Otherwise, we need to start looking ahead. if lesson is None: # Loop until we find the next day when it isn't the weekend, and we aren't on break. next_available_date = date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) + timedelta(days=1) while self.are_on_break(next_available_date) or not self.timetable.get(date.strftime("%A").lower()): next_available_date += timedelta(days=1) # NOTE: This could be *even* more efficient but honestly as long as it works it's fine lesson = self.next_lesson(next_available_date) # This *must* be a date given the second part of the # while loop's `or` statement. assert lesson, "Unable to figure out the next lesson." else: # this function wastes so many CPU cycles. # Its also so computationally expensive that its async and cast to a thread to avoid blocking. # Why do I not just do this the smart way? I'm lazy and have a headache. while lesson is None: lesson = self.next_lesson(date) if lesson is None: date += timedelta(minutes=5) else: break return lesson async def update_timetable_message( self, message: Union[discord.Message, discord.ApplicationContext], date: datetime = None, *, no_prefix: bool = False, ): date = date or _break = self.are_on_break(date) if _break: # next_lesson = self.next_lesson(_break["end"] + timedelta(days=1, hours=7)) next_lesson = None next_lesson = next_lesson or { "name": "Unknown", "tutor": "Unknown", "room": "Unknown" } text = "[tt] On break {!r} from {} until {}. Break ends {}, and the first lesson back is " \ "{lesson[name]!r} with {lesson[tutor]} in {lesson[room]}.".format( _break["name"], discord.utils.format_dt(_break["start"], "d"), discord.utils.format_dt(_break["end"], "d"), discord.utils.format_dt(_break["end"], "R"), lesson=next_lesson ) else: lesson = self.current_lesson(date) if not lesson: next_lesson = self.next_lesson(date) if not next_lesson: # next_lesson = await asyncio.to_thread( # self.absolute_next_lesson, # new_method=True # ) next_lesson = { "name": "unknown", "tutor": "unknown", "room": "unknown", "start_datetime": datetime.max } text = "[tt] No more lessons today!\n" \ f"[tt] Next Lesson: {next_lesson['name']!r} with {next_lesson['tutor']} in " \ f"{next_lesson['room']} - " \ f"Starts {discord.utils.format_dt(next_lesson['start_datetime'], 'R')}" else: text = f"[tt] Next Lesson: {next_lesson['name']!r} with {next_lesson['tutor']} in " \ f"{next_lesson['room']} - Starts {discord.utils.format_dt(next_lesson['start_datetime'], 'R')}" else: text = f"[tt] Current Lesson: {lesson['name']!r} with {lesson['tutor']} in {lesson['room']} - " \ f"ends {discord.utils.format_dt(lesson['end_datetime'], 'R')}" next_lesson = self.next_lesson(date) if next_lesson: text += "\n[tt] Next lesson: {0[name]!r} with {0[tutor]} in {0[room]} - starts {1}".format( next_lesson, discord.utils.format_dt(next_lesson["start_datetime"], 'R') ) if no_prefix: text = text.replace("[tt] ", "") await message.edit(content=text, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none()) # noinspection DuplicatedCode @tasks.loop(time=schedule_times()) async def update_status(self): if not await guild: discord.Guild = channel = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name="timetable") channel = channel or discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name="general") channel: discord.TextChannel async for _message in channel.history(limit=20, oldest_first=False): if == and _message.content.startswith("[tt]"): message = _message break else: message = await channel.send("[tt] (loading)") message: discord.Message await self.update_timetable_message(message) @commands.slash_command() async def lesson(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, *, date: str = None): """Shows the current/next lesson.""" if date: try: date = datetime.strptime(date, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") except ValueError: return await ctx.respond("Invalid date (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM).") else: date = await ctx.defer() await self.update_timetable_message(ctx, date, no_prefix=True) @commands.slash_command(name="timetable") async def _timetable(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, date: str = None): """Shows the timetable for today/the specified date""" if date: try: date = datetime.strptime(date, "%d/%m/%Y") except ValueError: return await ctx.respond("Invalid date (DD/MM/YYYY).") else: date = lessons = self.timetable.get(date.strftime("%A").lower(), []) if not lessons: return await ctx.respond(f"No lessons on {discord.utils.format_dt(date, 'D')}.") blocks = [f"```\nTimetable for {date.strftime('%A')}:\n```"] for lesson in lessons: start_datetime = date.replace(hour=lesson["start"][0], minute=lesson["start"][1]) end_datetime = date.replace(hour=lesson["end"][0], minute=lesson["end"][1]) text = f"{discord.utils.format_dt(start_datetime, 't')} to {discord.utils.format_dt(end_datetime, 't')}" \ f":\n> Lesson Name: {lesson['name']!r}\n" \ f"> Tutor: **{lesson['tutor']}**\n> Room: `{lesson['room']}`" blocks.append(text) await ctx.respond("\n\n".join(blocks)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(TimeTableCog(bot))