from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from urllib.parse import urlparse import time from discord.ext import commands from ._email import * from .db import * from .console import * from .views import * if TYPE_CHECKING: from datetime import datetime class JimmyBanException(discord.CheckFailure): def __init__(self, until: "datetime", reason: str): super().__init__(reason) self.until = until self.reason = reason def __str__(self): ok = discord.utils.format_dt(self.until, "R") return ( f"\N{cross mark} You are not allowed to use commands right now. You will be unbanned {ok}.\n" f"Ban reason:\n>>> {self.reason}" ) def __repr__(self): return f"" class Timer: def __init__(self, target: dict = None, name: str = ...): = target = name self._start_time = None self._end_time = None @property def total(self) -> float: if not self._start_time: raise RuntimeError("Timer has not been started.") if not self._end_time: return time.time() - self._start_time return self._end_time - self._start_time def __enter__(self): self._start_time = time.time() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._end_time = time.time() if and is not ...:[] = def simple_embed_paginator( lines: list[str], *, assert_ten: bool = False, empty_is_none: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Optional[list[discord.Embed]]: """Paginates x lines into x embeds.""" if not lines and empty_is_none is True: return kwargs.setdefault("description", "") embeds = [discord.Embed(**kwargs)] for line in lines: embed = embeds[-1] total_length = len(embed) description_length = len(embed.description) if total_length + len(line) > 6000 or description_length + len(line) > 4096: embed = discord.Embed(**kwargs) embed.description += line + "\n" embeds.append(embed) else: embed.description += line + "\n" if assert_ten: assert len(embeds) <= 10, "Too many embeds." return embeds def hyperlink(url: str, *, text: str = None, max_length: int = None) -> str: if max_length < len(url): raise ValueError(f"Max length ({max_length}) is too low for provided URL ({len(url)}). Hyperlink impossible.") fmt = "[{}]({})" if text: fmt = fmt.format(text, url) else: parsed = urlparse(url) fmt = fmt.format(parsed.hostname, url) if len(fmt) > max_length: return url return fmt def owner_or_admin(): async def predicate(ctx: commands.Context): if or await return True raise commands.MissingPermissions(["administrator"]) return commands.check(predicate)